
Group: Members
Posts: 1601
Joined: Sep. 2005 |
Posted: Aug. 31 2007,13:09 |
In fact the main mistake I was making after modifying smb.conf was:Code Sample | $ smbd restart $ nmbd restart
should have been
$ sudo smbd restart $ sudo nmbd restart | aaargh - you'd think there'd be an error message.
Now things look more promising:Code Sample | $ /opt/hplip/sbin/cupsaddsmb -H localhost -U root -a -v Password for root required to access localhost via SAMBA: Running command: smbclient //localhost/print$ -N -A /tmp/46d86d9748516 -c 'mkdir W32X86;put /tmp/46d86d922450d W32X86/OfficeJetG85.ppd;put /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/ps5ui.dll W32X86/ps5ui.dll;put /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/pscript.hlp W32X86/pscript.hlp;put /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/pscript.ntf W32X86/pscript.ntf;put /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/pscript5.dll W32X86/pscript5.dll' Domain=[DSLKAYAK] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.25b] putting file /tmp/46d86d922450d as \W32X86/OfficeJetG85.ppd (2943.0 kb/s) (average 2943.0 kb/s) putting file /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/ps5ui.dll as \W32X86/ps5ui.dll (1660.3 kb/s) (average 1779.6 kb/s) putting file /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/pscript.hlp as \W32X86/pscript.hlp (908.1 kb/s) (average 1565.5 kb/s) putting file /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/pscript.ntf as \W32X86/pscript.ntf (3486.8 kb/s) (average 2834.9 kb/s) putting file /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/pscript5.dll as \W32X86/pscript5.dll (3978.1 kb/s) (average 3124.5 kb/s)
Running command: smbclient //localhost/print$ -N -A /tmp/46d86d9748516 -c 'put /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/cups6.ini W32X86/cups6.ini;put /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/cupsps6.dll W32X86/cupsps6.dll;put /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/cupsui6.dll W32X86/cupsui6.dll' Domain=[DSLKAYAK] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.25b] putting file /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/cups6.ini as \W32X86/cups6.ini (3.1 kb/s) (average 3.1 kb/s) putting file /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/cupsps6.dll as \W32X86/cupsps6.dll (2454.6 kb/s) (average 440.8 kb/s) putting file /opt/hplip/share/cups/drivers/cupsui6.dll as \W32X86/cupsui6.dll (2225.2 kb/s) (average 755.7 kb/s)
Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -A /tmp/46d86d9748516 -c 'adddriver "Windows NT x86" "OfficeJetG85:pscript5.dll:OfficeJetG85.ppd:ps5ui.dll:pscript.hlp:NULL:RAW:pscript5.dll,OfficeJetG85.ppd,ps5ui.dll,pscript.hlp,pscript.ntf,cups6.ini,cupsps6.dll,c
upsui6.dll"' Printer Driver OfficeJetG85 successfully installed.
Running command: rpcclient localhost -N -A /tmp/46d86d9748516 -c 'setdriver OfficeJetG85 OfficeJetG85' Succesfully set OfficeJetG85 to driver OfficeJetG85. |
Now - finally - windows machines can see a shared folder on my dsl desktop and they can see the printer and download the drivers automatically on double-clicking the printer icon.
Edit: note that for the above to work, security has to be set to "user" in smb.conf. Once the windows machine has downloaded the printer drivers, security can be reset to "share"
...trouble is, the windows machines cannot copy a file to the dsl share nor does anything print. Back to reading the samba manual