
Group: Members
Posts: 7
Joined: Feb. 2006 |
Posted: Oct. 15 2007,06:54 |
Oh well, I give up. I'll just have to request a .dsl now. I tried and loading gcc1+libs,gcc2.95,krnlsrc,wvdial and then "sudo -s" "rm /lib/modules/2.4.26/modules.*" "cp /KNOPPIX/lib/modules/2.4.26/modules.* /lib/modules/2.4.26" (because running live) and "ln -s /usr/bin/gcc /usr/bin/cc" (to find cc) then "tar -zxvf hs.." "cd" "make install" + "hsfconfig" But at the end of it, it said that "This package does not contain pre-built modules suitable for you system: Distribution: Debian-testing/unstable" and I'm way over my head, but it worked for puppy so it MUST work for DSL!