
Group: Members
Posts: 4264
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Aug. 15 2004,03:18 |
Not all Debian packages will work with DSL, but the VAST majority will work.
Generally, you should have low expectations for any Debian package that uses 3D graphics or modifies the XFree86 XWindows graphics system.
For most of these packages, even if they don't work you can still uninstall them without much trouble.
Just don't try installing XFree86 stuff or doing a dist upgrade and you should be pretty safe.
If you are really concerned, you can do a "test intall" of your Debian package into the ramdisk while running from the liveCD if you can find a computer with 128MB+ memory. 256MB should be good for most tests.
Because you are running from liveCD, if you mess things up all you need to do is turn off the computer and reboot in order to fix things.
Just choose Apps -> Tools -> got memory & bandwidth? -> Synaptic and start trying out packages.
If they work OK then you can do an installation into your hd installed system with a high degree of confidence that it will also work on your hd install.
Good Luck.