Stu Pidasso

Group: Members
Posts: 4
Joined: Jan. 2004 |
Posted: Jan. 22 2004,17:27 |
I think I can help you with this one. First let me tell you that it isn't going to be possible to use a boot disk to boot Windows. However, we can getting you booting DSL without one either and the fact that you have Win95 will help. I will try to be as clear as I can, but I am going to assume you know something about Windows/DOS. We are going to use Loadlin to boot DSL from a DOS environment. A full Loadlin user guide can be found at Loadlin User guide
Ok here we go: 1) first you need to go to the following website Loadlin download and download the file lodlin16.tgz do this while in win95
2) Now open up "My Computer" and select your C: drive. In the C: drive you want to make a folder called "loadlin"
3) Use your favorite zip utility (WinZap, UltimateZip etc) to unzip lodlin16.tgz into the new folder C:\loadlin if you've done this correctly the loadlin folder should have in it 7 files and 2 new folders.
4) Now reboot your win 95 machine into DOS mode. You can choose this from the "Shutdown" menu (if you were in Win95).
5) once you are in DOS change directories until you have just a C: prompt.
6) now move into the loadlin folder (directory) by typing cd loadlin. if everything is right so far, your prompt should look like c:\loadlin>
7) if you are ready to boot into DSL all you need to do is issue the following command:
LOADLIN zimage /dev/hdb1 ro vga=3
if the hard drive with DSL on it is not hdb then change this accordingly. this should start the DSL booting sequence.
- Now, if you don't want to remember that command, there is a small file included in the lodlin16 package which will do it for you. it is called linux.bat and at your C:\loadlin> prompt you would type "linux". be careful though. this file is set up for a person who has their linux system on hdb2 not hdb1 as you have. so you would need to edit this file (which is pretty easy to do). in windows 95, open up WordPad and choose File>Open then locate your loadlin folder on your C: drive. change the "File Type" box at the bottom to include all files. within the list of files, you should see linux.bat open it and you will see about four lines of text, one of which says:
c:\loadlin\loadlin c:\loadlin\zimage root=/dev/hdb2 ro vga=3
simply change the hdb2 to hdb1 and then from the file menu, choose "Save" close the file and you are all set (do not choose "Save As"...just use "Save"!!!) now from your c:\loadlin> prompt type "linux" and the DSL boot sequence should start.
- Also, I am going to assume that currently, when you turn your PC on, it boots to Win95 and not DOS. which means with these instructions you have to boot Win95 before you can boot DSL...yeah that is kinda slow, but there is a way around that too. it is not too hard to make a Win95 machine boot to DOS all the time instead of Windows. again, in Win95, open WordPad and choose File>Open navigate to your C: directory and find a file called Msdos.sys (you will need to have it set to "Show Hidden Files). open Msdos.sys in WordPad and you will see about 30 lines of text (you may have to change the "File Type" box to all files again). included in this is a line which says :
change the 1 to a 0 so it says
be very careful not to change anything else or move anything around. save this change (File>Save do not use "save As") and close the file. Now when you boot the machine it should go to DOS instead on Win95. from here you simply change to your loadlin directory, type "linux" and DSL should begin to boot.
I know I've included a lot of info here and I hope I haven't insulted you by talking too simply or confused you by talking to hard, but this should work. If you have trouble post it here (be specific please) and I will do what I can to help you further. Just so you know, I am at work right now and won't be near the computer much this afternoon (I am on the east coast) so I may not get back to you until tonight or tomorrow.