
Group: Members
Posts: 4856
Joined: July 2004 |
Posted: June 03 2008,02:34 |
Quote | download only...only download the info file... |
Code Sample | os.execute(terminal..[[ -title "Downloading ]].. myfile.title..[[" -e sh -c "unset DISPLAY && cd ]]..dirname.. [[ && wget ]]..mirror..myfile.location..[[/]]..myfile.title.. [[{.info,.md5.txt,}]]..[[ && md5sum -c ]]..myfile.title.. [[.md5.txt && echo Press \"Enter\" to continue && read"]]) |
That should essentially be wget http://mymirror/extension{.info,.md5.txt,} Which *should* execute three instances of wget. It worked that way for me anyway. I typically use gnu wget, which allows for multiple files, but I tested this with busybox from DSL 4.3
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