DSL v4.4RC2Forum: Release Candidates Topic: DSL v4.4RC2 started by: roberts Posted by roberts on June 01 2008,19:08
The second release candidate of DSL v4.4 is now posted and ready for testing.Change log for DSL v4.4RC2 * Updated mydslBrowser - new feature "Download Only" * Modified "X Window Snapshot" to save image file with date. * Added dfm association for easy display of "X Window Snapshot" images. * Updated .torsmorc for more consistent "used/free/total" * Modified nfs-common to also start portmap when needed. * Patched kbdconfig to properly select keymaps. * Restored fixed and helvetica font for Aterm & Fluxbox resp. * Modified .bash_profile to eliminate an extra login shell. * Updated cgi example test.lua to call proper cgi.lua * Updated dmix for better font support. * Removed stray line in Fluxbox menu. * Updated "Getting Started" document with Wiki link and wireless info link. Files that have changed and are likely in your backup: .fluxbox/menu .fluxbox.inc .jwm.inc .jwmrc .Xdefaults .torsmorc /opt/.dfmext Thanks to the community for the many ideas, suggestions, and contributions. -- Robert Posted by meo on June 02 2008,06:35
Hi Robert!This new RC looks good after a quick glance. Good work! Have fun with DSL all you guys out there, meo Posted by jaapz on June 02 2008,16:47
sounds good, will be trying soon
Posted by kuky on June 02 2008,20:37
on the road again...trying to mydsl download only no runs...begin flashing ...install works well... when i loaded kuky dsl ucis i will report... beers to all edited 30 min after download only...only download the info file... Posted by mikshaw on June 03 2008,02:34
That should essentially be wget < http://mymirror/extension{.info,.md5.txt,} > Which *should* execute three instances of wget. It worked that way for me anyway. I typically use gnu wget, which allows for multiple files, but I tested this with busybox from DSL 4.3 Posted by chaostic on June 03 2008,05:27
"wget < http://mymirror/extension{.info,.md5.txt,}" > (brace expansion, iirc) should not launch multiple wgets. It should be the equivalent of "wget < http://mymirror/extension.info > < http://mymirror/extension.md5.txt > < http://mymirror/extension". > I've been using {,} expansion quite frequently in recent times, so I'm just saying. Posted by roberts on June 03 2008,05:58
It needs to pass the "base norestore" test, which it does not.We cannot require gnu-utils or coreutils be loaded for base applications. Posted by mikshaw on June 03 2008,11:27
That's going to make for one long execute string if it needs to be split up into three separate wget commands. Open to any better suggestions, as always.
Posted by humpty on June 04 2008,00:11
to mikshaw, roberts:i'm was previously on 4.2.4. when trying this RC (dirty install), lightygui.lua couldn't get started, probably because murgalua directory isn't there anymore. i know fltk was added to lua, is this anything to do with murgalua? is lua now actually murgalua? i tried changing to #!/bin/lua but Fl libs couldn't be found. Posted by roberts on June 04 2008,00:35
#!/bin/luarequire("fltk") The fltk is now separate and uses the more standard use of the require. Posted by florian on June 04 2008,00:39
/bin/lua is now a standard Lua interpreter. The FLTK bindings from murgaLua are still included in DSL, but you have to explicitly "require" them from within your scripts. Thus you should invoke your Lua/FLTK script like this:
Posted by humpty on June 04 2008,14:06
#!/bin/luarequire("fltk") thanks guys. Posted by jaapz on June 04 2008,17:41
im again checking the design and stuff, but im not very satisfied with the colorcombinations. the wallpaper colors dont fit with the taskbar colors, i will be again making some wallpapers and some skins that maybe fit ;)EDIT: the fltk skins looks pretty cool, only the jwm taskbar should be a bit lighter to fit cool to it ![]() EDIT2: i made some quick wallpapers, tonight i will be making the skins for it, when im on my laptop you can find the (simple and subtle) wallpapers on < http://www.jaapz.nl/dump/DSL/bg?.png > where the "?" is 1, 2 or 3 Posted by lucky13 on June 04 2008,18:23
DSL isn't about "design and stuff" and there's nothing meiotic about the combinations in this iteration. I chose colors that didn't make me squint and that were mild and pleasant instead of black-on-black wannabe-h4x0r BS that makes eyes bleed from squinting.If you need color coordination to use your computer, either set your own themes or stick with Vista and OSX. Edit (after reading your edit): Are you a chick? Florist? Interior decorator? Nothing wrong with any of that, just curious why your socks have to match your beret. Edit 2: I vote for solid color backgrounds from now on. Lower resource demands, fewer libraries (you can get rid of xsri and just use xsetroot), etc. Make it plain and if users want to get all gussied up in matching "outfits" like prom queens they can do it themselves. Edit3: Note how big these things are. This is Damn SMALL Linux. Not Damn Sizable Linux. image 1: 268 KB (274037 bytes) image 2: 263 KB (268654 bytes) image 3: 308 KB (314704 bytes) Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I don't think these are aesthetic improvements and, even if they're reduced from their bloated sizes, they're not resource improvements considering the gradient can be done with a lot less demand on RAM via xsri. The last part was my criterion for using a gradient in the first place -- TO REDUCE RESOURCE DEMANDS DURING DEFAULT USE. If you can achieve that better than I have (other than what I suggested in my second edit with using a solid color and no emblem), I'm open to your suggestions and I know Robert will entertain them, too. But if your idea causes a lot more resources to be used by default instead of less, I'll tell you where to stick your quarter-plus MB wallpapers. Posted by chaostic on June 04 2008,18:49
Wow, can you be even more of a sexist and a prick? DSL could be the greatest linux distro ever, but if it looks like shit, noone will want to use it. Posted by lucky13 on June 04 2008,18:55
Does it look like shit? How many extra CPU cycles and how much more RAM are you willing to blow on someone trying to get more life out of an older computer just so it's "pretty"? If you know how to make it look better without increasing resource demands, let's hear it. EDIT: Look at the previous RC thread and measure the complaints versus compliments. (edit2) Here, I'll remind everyone of the previous thread: Point in original note from Robert: "New low resource background & theme." User feedback: meo: "It looks very clean and nice with the new background and style." andrewb: "What a great look - the best yet - clean & simple. Much better than the black on black of 4.2.5 that I had loaded on my Libretto." meo (again): "...I must say that the looks of jwm in this cut is so good that I might be persuaded to keep on using it." ke4nt: "The gradient background in 4.4RC1 is nice. Much better looking/eyepleasing than the 4.3 version. Black on Black gets old after a while....." Not so much feedback about reducing resources, but that's why it was done that way in the first place. Again, if anyone can reduce default resource demands better than this AND provide a clean and usable interface please speak up. Posted by roberts on June 04 2008,20:21
With all the discussion and tweaks to reduce resources (extra shell, etc) and yes, provide a tiny core. I will stay with low resource graidents. If eye candy is paramount then use the tools provided. I don't mind if users want to post their wallpapers/themes in the appropriate topic area(s). We even have a repository section to host such items. I am not interested in competing in "beauty contests" with other distributions and the bloat that implies. Posted by roberts on June 04 2008,20:54
I will be taking some liberties with this, as I need it to work in tiny core. I will then likely backport into 4.4 final. Hopefully I will not offend by doing so. Posted by mikshaw on June 04 2008,21:11
Not at all. As I've said in the past, I appreciate any outside help that will streamline, fix bugs, add useful functionality, and otherwise make improvements to things I share here.I've been thinking about ways to improve the search (user-defined sorting, regex, etc.), but that seems like it would be a non-vital thing to just simmer on the back burner. Posted by humpty on June 04 2008,23:28
Tiling could be an alternative and still be low'ish resource. Posted by humpty on June 04 2008,23:47
I think the font size for the fltk guis are wee bit small for this RC. Is there a way to change this?
Posted by roberts on June 05 2008,03:19
Set the font for all Lua/Fltk scripts by editing .luafltkrc or delete the font line to use the default.
Posted by BobH on June 05 2008,21:27
I hope I'm not beating a dead horse here, but low resource use is one of the central attractions of DSL. I personally think that the "new" theme is both crisp AND preserves resources at the same time. There is not only an opportunity for people to extend DSL, but an empty palate easily customizable to your style du jour.There are plenty of distributions that have "everything" and a Damn Small number that are usably lean. Posted by roberts on June 05 2008,21:57
And we can all thank Lucky13 for the theme contribution of 4.4.I know that DSL will be staying low resource by using graidents. Posted by humpty on June 06 2008,00:05
tks, default does it for me. Posted by lucky13 on June 07 2008,00:01
Can 164kb (uncompressed) be trimmed by removing one of the emelfm binaries?< http://lucky13linux.wordpress.com/files....ted.png > Posted by roberts on June 07 2008,00:31
Doing an ls -li (show inode) will reveal that they are the same file.
Posted by lucky13 on June 07 2008,01:22
Sorry, I should've looked to make sure the directory wasn't linked.
Posted by lucky13 on June 07 2008,20:02
Not sure this is better or even practical because lua isn't my thing. Can the three things that need to be downloaded be assigned to an array (guess that would be table in lua) and then use table.foreach() to os.execute your wget command three times all in one line? Posted by roberts on June 07 2008,21:07
Since the section of code in question is almost like embedded a bash script inside lua, I have factored it out into such and made is generic to be called by both the update database and download only areas. I needed this in tiny core and it have backported into v4.4. Hopefully both of which will be posted in the next few days.
Posted by JohnJS on June 08 2008,14:45
Time keeps reverting to EDT on start-up.Did a new install of 4.4RC2 Frugal Grub Toram with tz=US/Pacific. The Date/Time in Panel states to go to "Apps/windowmanager/restart" but windowmanager does not appear anywhere. Only shows up under Exit/restart windowmanager. But does not seem to retain PDT on reboot or restart after shutdown. SystemStats/Boot shows tz=US/Pacific. Shutdown screen shows the correct date and time near the end. Posted by roberts on June 08 2008,14:58
If you have net connectivity upon boot then you can not only set your timezone but also set the time. To set time at boot use settimeUse showbootcodes to check that you have both, e.g., mine looks like this: $ showbootcodes ramdisk_size=100000 lang=us quiet vga=791 frugal tz=US/Pacific settime host=silent restore=sda1 If you don't have net access upon boot then, perhaps you set your net access in /opt/bootlocal.sh, and you could add settime after net is up by adding the line /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua. Or finally, use the menu option to set time via internet on some window managers you may need to exit to prompt then return to X to see the updated time. I beleive jwm does not need to do this. Posted by lucky13 on June 08 2008,15:01
If you're using jwm, a keybinding has been set up to do that (ctrl-alt-r = restart jwm). Note also there are two time set options in the menu. You can use gettime.lua to set the time from NIST time server automatically or on the fly, the latter of which works very well with the tz= cheatcode. See below.
Add /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua to bootlocal.sh. That works for me. When you boot, it checks the server and sets the correct time. I boot to runlevel 3 on hard drive install and time is set before login. The time is usually set before jwm loads when using USB or frugal unless I have a really slow connection. EDIT: I forgot about settime cheatcode. Posted by JohnJS on June 08 2008,16:20
Thanks roberts/lucky13:All I did was add to bootlocal.sh /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua. The time is now correct on reboot. PS: have AT&T high speed connection(dsl). Don't recall having to do this when I was using LILO. Edit: Just added settime to grub/boot now it works. Also removed /usr/local/bin/gettime.lua line from bootlocal.sh as it looks to be redundant. Posted by jaapz on June 08 2008,21:18
k so u say ppl who like to help but cannot code, but in the other way, are familiar with GIMP, are not accepted here. and help with making DSL better by making the colors actually fit is not accepted here... i just said that the colors didnt really fit to eachother, and that that could be done better, i didnt say that we immediatly should get a vista'ish wallpaper with nice OSX effects. i said the colors didnt fit, and i can make a theme as small as yours where the colors DO actually fit, so dont moan about the backgrounds that are to big, they can be made smaller... these are just examples for backgrounds that maybe could be used. so dont be a dick and scare people away that try to help EDIT: made a skin (silvery) that fits with all three bg's i posted earlier in this topic:
Posted by roberts on June 08 2008,21:48
Lets all calm down about the backgrounds and themes. We don't need that kind of language.For those who don't code but who are artistic and want to contribute wallpapers/backgrounds/themes, you can do so and submit them for posting into the themes section of the repository or post them in the themes topic area directly. All help, of all kinds, are apreciated - strong words and negative feelings are not. Posted by lucky13 on June 08 2008,22:48
No moaning at all, just reiterating the point about why the gradient is used instead of wallpaper at all -- to reduce DSL's default resource demands. I appreciate your desire to help, but DSL is about getting more out of less. Using wallpapers by default uses more resources than a solid color or a gradient. Not as attractive? Depends on your point of view and whether your computer has lots or RAM or precious little. DSL includes the latter in its target audience. Please keep that in mind whether you're judging appearances or desiring to help out. What you think is beneficial or beautiful needs to apply to those users with 486s and early Pentiums with < 96MB RAM as much as multicore users with a GB of RAM. Wallpaper that approaches a half GB in size is unsuitable for many DSL users. And beauty is always going to be in the eye of the beholder. Like I wrote before, if you have an idea how to beautify things without increasing resource demands, I'd love to hear your ideas. But if the "solution" includes big wallpapers, just leave it on your own computer. |