
Group: Members
Posts: 217
Joined: Dec. 2005 |
Posted: Dec. 31 2005,09:20 |
Here is what I have found to have issues: 1. Forgetting I booted to Ram and I wiped out my changes when I rebooted. 2. Booting to a western digital 80 gig. usb2 external drive. Even after using a redhat install disk to create a partition it fails to boot, even if it is not located in the begining sectors of the drive. 3. Had to create an ext2 partition with redhat & then format it later in DSL, DSL would not partition a HD, when booted toram,on the laptop or a test machine. For the hard drive install. 4. Will not default to the fb800x600, ps2 mouse on a Compaq 1275 laptopHD install. It asks each time it is booted. 5. Extremely slow on AMD 64/3500 with 512 megs memory. I am sure this is something I am no putting in at boot time. AMD 350 P1 w/256 megs was faster, not much though. 6. Netgear Wireless gw511v2 from china refuses to work, in laptop. Only wireless card I have.
What has worked extremely well: 1. Booting P1-P4 cpus, extremely fast compared to windows. 2. Works under VMware's Workstation, GSX Server, ESX Server. Virtual SMP freezes. Got a VMTM subscription from VmWare. 3.Once I read the "Stable" part in the directions Wine installed & even worked when I finished it. 4. The cd has booted in every machine I have put it in "toram". Xeon, Intel p1-4 & cel, AMD 32/64, so far 8 different machines. No HT or dual cores yet. 5. Aditional Package installation is less steps the RedHat Network that is automatic... and costs 360.00 a year.
I will post anything new as it comes up. Following tests are for bootp server boot, flashdisk, ide to compac flash adapters, thumb drives, and last but now least I-Ram drive by gigabyte>Way cool SSDD, this guy makes an AMD 64 with 1 gig mem, 4 gig SSDD, WinXP64 simply screem.
Smooth flights...Computers during the night & Helicopters during the day... 300c
-------------- 300c_Pilot Boise, Idaho