
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Feb. 09 2005,06:19 |
You are correct, mikshaw. Anyone should be able to sell any copies of GPL'd items without issue. That's one of the joys of using the GPL as license for a work or works.
Same as if you and I were to begin creating our own DSL fork, or unique version, or even a facsimile of DSL, or only a few additions or mods. Many companies are doing this with DSL on the web right now e.g. Metropipe . You can usually find mention of DSL or John, and even a link, for support. Many folks offering "remasters" for little or no cost post here, and market their "versions", but credit is given where credit is DUE..
But again, I restate that I don't like to see the anti-linux FUD from M$ here, and I don't like to see a direct competitor post their advertisements here, for products developed and made RIGHT HERE AT DSL.
Having a "fork" of DSL listed here is only a testament to the worthyness someone has for the DSL product.
Even having it used "as-is" , and simply placed in a different wrapper, and sold under another name is OK, as long as the original authors are recognized and credited ( like DSL does knoppix and debian )
But selling it as DSL , and advertising it as DSL, AT DSL! not as another distro, but ONLY to earn revenues from sales of a replicated, copied product, in my eyes, crosses the line.
Have no doubt I know that they CAN do it, for free via GPL, and without recompense to John or Robert... But I don't feel they should post their advertisements HERE..
I mean, if you go here.. Do you think you will find a link back to here ? to buy CD's ? for info ? no... Even a mere mention of John Andrews or Robert Shingledecker ? no... How about a link to, or ? no...
So, what are they doing here, besides taking food off of DSL's plate? Or, giving visitors FUD for thought?
73 ke4nt