
Group: Members
Posts: 155
Joined: Dec. 2003 |
Posted: Sep. 02 2004,21:19 |
I was following the method in the howto at I have successfully chrooted into the filesystem after copying the /knoppix/knoppix compressed file to a HDD partition and then uncompressing into a /mnt/hda5/source/knx/KNOPPIX structure. While chrooted, I ran apt-get remove fora whole bunch of cruft I didn't need. Removing the libkde* seemed to kill most of KDE, dragging all kinds of packages out. I removed all games, all window managers, left X, removed libs I don't need like libsdl, removed command line tools I know I won't need, like cdburning stuff. I have to leave in the wireless stuff, because that is an integral part of my project.
After all changes are done you copy and compress in a long command to /mnt/hda5/remaster/knx/KNOPPIX structure. One thing I have not done is change the /etc/init.d/xsession script, so that the remote Xserver gets queried. I also need to disable autodetection of scsi with "knoppix noscsi" since on of the laptops freezes otherwise. I also will need to run the md5sum creation command. I think knoppix uses this on all versions now. Debian's installer does something similar. There is an md5sum text file that contains many md5's, one of them is an md5 of the compressed /knoppix/knoppix file.
-------------- ripcrd6 ---------------- Somewhere there is a village missing an idiot.