DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Language Support
Dear DSL managers,
I am writing about problem with the Language support
why the "Damn Small Linux" doesn't have full languages support ?
because I'm an Arabic man. I don't have problem when I'm using English, but when I'm sending a mail to some one how speake Arabic or if he sends me a mail I need to turn of the computer and use another O.S like Windows.
Olso I cant visit an arabic site I just see ???? for the arabic words
I would appreciate it if any one can hadle this problem and Make the DSL support Arabic even if takes more size withe the same powerfull
I look forward to hearing form you
DSL has only support for english because it's most widely used.. You can add arabic fonts to your DSL so you can see those characters..
how can I do it ?
Well, first search them up. If I remember correctly Microsoft fonts have arabic characters, bitstream and dejavu might too..
Then search this forum for "truetype" or "adding fonts"
Try this, Batista:
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