DSL Ideas and Suggestions :: Language Support

thanks pal :D
I donwload thim how can I install thim ? :(
You might start with this, else try Google.


IF you can find pcf.gz fonts, it doesn't need to be complicated to install fonts.


Though, you will have to find arabic pcf.gz fonts and their font info lines.

Quote (humpty @ July 27 2007,02:56)

Though, you will have to find arabic pcf.gz fonts and their font info lines.

The font info lines can be generated as a 'fonts.dir' file using `mkfontdir` (Debian package here).
To generate a 'fonts.dir' file for all the fonts in a directory, do the following:
cd font_directory
mkfontdir .
Or, just do:
mkfontdir font_directory

That will generate the font information file.
You still need to tell the Xserver to add the new fonts to its cache:
xset +fp font_directory [This will add font_directory to the font-path]
xset fp rehash [This will tell the Xserver to re-scan for new fonts in the font-path.]

The font-path will revert to the default once you close the Xserver.
You might want to add the above 'xset ...' commands to '/home/dsl/.xinitrc' so the Xserver will use the new font-path when it starts.

Dear Everyone,
This is '10x21.pcf.gz' ('arabeyes-fixed-iso10646-1') from ae_fonts_mono.tar.bz2 (homepage).
#1 (BBC Arabic): http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1396/937126148_5178e7ec58_o.gif
#2 (Wikipedia Arabic): http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1172/937365784_bbb1d13200_o.gif
Does the font size look right?

Or would you like a finer/smaller font?
Like this:
(This is 'arabic24.pcf.gz' ('arabic-newspaper-iso10646-1') from Debian xfonts-base package.)
#1 (BBC Arabic): http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1145/937150742_477a082c5b_o.gif
#2 (Wikipedia Arabic): http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1261/937365788_e007a7d117_o.gif

I am working on an Arabic-fonts extension. I am intending to call it 'xfonts-arabic.tar.gz'.
If anyone can suggest more websites to test, I will be happy to post more screenshots.
Thank you very much.

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