
Group: Members
Posts: 284
Joined: Mar. 2004 |
Posted: Nov. 14 2004,01:44 |
Dear Woofy,
First off, I didn't say I was giving you permission to run f-prot, I said I wasn't D-E-R-I-D-I-N-G you, not D-E-N-Y-I-N-G you. Deriding, (from the root word, deride), means " To speak of or treat with contemptuous mirth", it is a synonym to ridicule. So, I was saying that I wasn't ridiculing you for running f-prot. Myabe I should've picked an easier word or phrase. Maybe denigrate, disparage or "make fun of".
Quote | I didn't propose in a spirit of FUD that everyone should run off and panic, nor did I say there were a lot of linux viruses or that was a high risk at this time of getting infected (quite the opposite). That was your interpretation. | Nor was I accusing you, outright, of doing such a thing. Look, I wasn't trying to personally attack you with my original post. What I was trying to do was make sure that other people, less knowledgeable about antivirus software for Linux than yourself, don't get the wrong idea. And to be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure if you had the wrong idea either.
Here's what happens, someone comes into a forum and reads "Hey, I'm trying to get anti-virus running on Linux" and Mr.Newbie Newbenson, who is contemplating trying Linux because he's fed up with Sasser, SoBig, Slapper or whatever bug happens to be wiping out Windows boxes this week, reads that post and thinks to himself, "Hey, I thought switching to Linux would get me away from all of this virus crap. If I'm gonna have to worry about viruses still and learn a difficult new operating system, I think I'll just keep running Windows and not waste my time".
See, now you didn't come right out and say that, but that's what people think, especially new users migrating from Windows who are looking for any reason to scurry back to what's comfortable.
Quote | You said that f-prot did not scan for any viruses other than windows ones. You were wrong. | Yes, I was. It was hyperbole, I was wrong and I apologize. What I should have said is that F-prot, hell, any antivirus software, is intended, primarily, for Microsoft Windows products. Viruses aren't really that big of a deal on any other computing platform, honestly. And don't take my word for it, ask around. Pretty much every system administrator will tell you the same thing, virii are pretty much a Windows-specific problem.
Now, all that being said, I personally am of the opinion that running antivirus on Linux to detect Linux viruses is a useful as a hope chest for a hooker. Sure, there's a chance a hooker'll get married, but what are the odds?
Quote | ...from the Grim Gremlin himself... | If we're comparing me to mythical creatures, my wife prefers Ogre.
Now, to be partially useful, I've actually written a couple of semi-useful articles on cron at my website that you may or may not find useful. Using cron and mplayer to create an MP3/Ogg alarm clock, How to suppress those annoying cron emails and using cron and the fortune program to create a random email signature.
Maybe one of those will help you and atone for me being a low-down, dirty bastard.
-Philip McClure
-------------- No good deed goes unpunished...