
Group: Members
Posts: 1
Joined: Sep. 2006 |
Posted: Sep. 09 2006,21:55 |
IBM 380ED 2635-5AU DSL hdinstall success! Thanks to DiSmaL & dellengwyn for asking the questions I needed answers to!
In case anyone wonders why I would be using an OLD system like this, I received it free and wanted to experiment with Linux (I am a complete newbie to Linux).
The hard drive had been wiped when I received it. I wanted to run a dual-boot system with Linux and Windows 98SE. I did not want to spend any money on a system this old until I could even see if it was usable.
RAM 16MB Mouse TrackPoint III Graphics card NeoMagic MagicGraph128ZV (MN2093) Resolution 800x600 16MB Sound card Crystal Semiconductor CS4236 Boot to DSL live cd. dsl 2 vga=788 Partition hard drive. cfdisk New Primary 799MB Beginning Type 83 Linux Bootable New Primary 256MB Beginning Type 82 Linux Swap New Primary 1056MB Beginning Type 0B Win95 FAT32 Write yes quit
mke2fs -L linux /dev/hda1 mke2fs -L swap /dev/hda2 mkswap /dev/hda2 swapon /dev/hda2 shutdown -r now Remove the DSL cd when the drive opens, insert the Windows 98SE install CD, close the drive, and press Enter. I installed Windows 98SE to hda3. Boot to DSL live cd. dsl 2 vga=788 cd /ramdisk mkdir tmp cd / sudo -u root dsl-hdinstall hda1 n n y
y g
Answer y to reboot. Remove the DSL cd when the drive opens, close the drive, and press Enter. Set root password. Set user password. xfbdev xserver No Yes us
Open terminal. sudo beaver /boot/grub/menu.lst Place # on all title DSL sections except the one with vga=788 Change the line “kernel /boot/linux24 root=dev/hda1 quiet vga=788 nacpi noapm nodma noscsi frugal” to say “ kernel /boot/linux24 root=dev/hda1 quiet ndhcp nousb noapic nomce noddc vga=788”. Remove # from all lines in last section that starts with title Windows and change the line “root (hd0,0)” to root “(hda0,2)”. Save the file. Reboot. Open terminal. sudo beaver /opt/ Add the following lines to the end: modprobe opl3 io=0x388 modprobe cs4232 io=0x534 irq=5 dma=1 dma2=0 mpuio=0x330 mpuirq=9 Save the file. Reboot. Open terminal sudo beaver /home/dsl/.xinitrc Place # on the line “dillo /usr/share/doc/dsl/getting_started.html &>/dev/nul &”. Save the file. Reboot.
Everything works on the laptop! I am able to boot to either DSL or Windows 98SE with no problem. I have been able to play MP3s and music CDs. I will likely invest some money to increase the RAM and add networking to it.