
Group: Members
Posts: 11
Joined: Mar. 2004 |
Posted: Mar. 24 2004,06:38 |
well to awnser your second question sorta,
if the machine has a floppy drive execelent, but from what ive seen "i am kinda slow too" if not u might be in the same boat as me.
to copy the cd image "not install dsl" u can boot like this
knoppix tohd=/dev/hda1
where in hda1, a is the physical drive as in a b c d ect ect and 1 is the partion number.
from there in u dont need to use the cd to boot, its now on ur drive.
u still need the boot floppy for that way though, which is loacted on the cd in the knoppix folder called boot.img u can use winimage or rawrite to make the floppy if u use windows or check the boards for a linux equiv.