
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Sep. 08 2004,22:52 |
Oh , boy..
My thinkpad has a 20X cdrom drive.. It doesn't like burned disks at all... period.. I have had some success with burning at 4x.. I can forget 12x or higher with my drive..
Did your md5sums match? For as far as you got, My impression wasn't a bad .iso file, just "on the edge" readability from the cdrom..
use this.. goto the directory where you have the .iso file.. type this.. "md5sum dsl-0.8.0.iso" you'll get a checksum .. Compare it to the dsl-0.8.0.iso.md5.txt file .. You'll find it in the same place you found the .iso file to download...
My guess is that they will match .. If they don't , than d/l it again.. If they do, try a slower burn speed..
Another thing to try is copying the contents of the cdrom to the hard drive using another os, like tomsrtbt or windows.
Then bootup using the " dsl fromhd=hda1 " command , or whatever your partition is on your drive.. no NTFS partitions allowed, only fat/fat32, or linux ext2
And lastly, you can use the frugal_lite method to install a poorman's install to your hard drive, if you have a broadband connection...
73 ke4nt