
Group: Members
Posts: 144
Joined: Nov. 2003 |
Posted: Feb. 25 2004,01:47 |
After 3 months of newbie struggling with hardware problems on earlier versions, DSL 0.6 is finally HD installed and online!: Digital Hinote 535 notebook, 166mhz mmx, 40megs ram, a tricky Neomagicgraph CV128video chip. New(!) Sitecom D-003 external modem (Xircom CEM56 pcmcia modem just could not be made to work), no battery, no CD rom internal drive. I used a paralell port external CD Rom drive to copy the iso I downloaded and burnt at work onto the C: drive Hda1 once I had completely reformatted the hard disk and setup linux and swap partitions using Fips, fdisk and and fdisk( using Deli linux boot and root floppies). The boot image floppy written with rawrite allowed me to boot live off the hard disk,using the fb800x600 boot parameter. This time, the hard disk install went flawlessly first time and on reboot had memorised the fb800x600 settings - great, no messing around with Lilo file. Modem worked first time using pppconfig and Dillo and Links work a treat. Great job to all involved in pushing DSL up to another level. This is the only distro I have been able to get to work adequately or at all on this machine. Thanks