
Group: Members
Posts: 151
Joined: April 2005 |
Posted: Nov. 21 2007,19:59 |
I have some troubles with the new version of bluez-utils.
I have a file called conect-blue.sh to make step by step the internet conexion via mobil phone:
---------------------------------- #!/bin/bash
. /etc/init.d/dsl-functions
echo "cargar modulo bluez" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo insmod bluez
echo "cargar modulo hci_uart" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo insmod hci_uart
echo "cargar modulo sco" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo insmod sco
echo "cargar modulo l2cap" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo insmod l2cap
echo "cargar modulo rfcomm" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo insmod rfcomm
echo "cargar hcid" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo hcid
echo "Conectar con pcmcia bluetooth" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme
sudo hciattach -s 57600 /dev/ttyS17 bcsp
echo "Levantar conexion bluetooth" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme
sudo hciconfig hci0 up
echo "reiniciar hcid" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo hcid restart
echo "escanear el telefono" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo hcitool scan
echo "conectar S68" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo hcitool cc xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
echo "autentificar S68" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo hcitool auth xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
echo "unir con S68" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo rfcomm bind 0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx 2
echo "mostrar rfcomm" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo rfcomm show
echo "crear nodo" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo mknod -m 666 /dev/rfcomm0 c 216 0
echo "cargar sdpd" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo sdpd
echo "asignar canal 2" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo sdptool add --channel=2 DUN
echo "realizar conexion gprs" echo "terminar conexion con: CTRL-C" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo /usr/sbin/pppd call gprs
echo "Completada la conexion" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme exit 0 ----------------------------------------------
this woks correctly with the bt_modules-2.4.31 and bluez-utils.unc old version of 13,61 Mb, but with the two last versions of bluez-utils.uci 731,46 Kb and the last of 657,54 Kb I have this error when it try to exec hcid (all the previous insmod to hcid goes ok):
.... cargar hcid Presionar una tecla... sudo: hcid: command not found ....
I can see hcid in /opt/bluez-utils/sbin/hcid but seems that is not in the path
With bluez-utils.unc (old version) I can see hcid in /usr/sbin
perhaps because one is .uci and the other is .unc., but the reality is that in the .uci don't find it.
The next commands to hcid don't works for the same reason (command not found)
The solution I found is to call this files with:
---------- ... echo "cargar hcid" echo -n "Presionar una tecla... "; read gagme sudo /opt/bluez-utils/sbin/hcid ... and so on with the other commands (some with /opt/bluez-utils/sbin/ and some with /opt/bluez-utils/bin)
perhaps, is posible to do this within the .uci? or to put a path? or something else?
I hope my conect-blue.sh can be usefull to someone
(Sorry that my english is not so good)