
Group: Members
Posts: 26
Joined: Dec. 2005 |
Posted: July 07 2007,05:19 |
I'm a Linux newbie but I've worked in all versions of DOD etc. I've set up DSL on anold IBM Aptiva and everything works fine except access to the Internet. I installed a NetComm NP1100 NIC and tried to install the Linux drivers using the following instructions off the CD
" Linux driver for kernel 2.2.X The procedure to activate NP1100_R 10/100M WOL Fast Ethernet card on linux is as follows: step 01: Copy the driver source files to a convenient directory. step 02: Compile The instruction for compiling the driver is include at the end of the driver file.If a compile-command is not there use the following compile command: (Run this instruction at /usr/src/linux) *compile-command: " gcc -DMODULE -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -O6 -c np11004.c " Or you can use the Makefile included in the driver disk \LINUX. step 03: Copy the module "np11004.o" to "/lib/modules/{kernel-version}/net" *The directory "{kernel-version}" stands for the Linux kernel version you use. step 04: Insert the driver as module: insmod np11004.o (Run 'lsmod' to see if the module is inserted) step 05: Bind your card to an IP address /sbin/ifconfig eth0 ${IPADDR} broadcast ${BROADCAST} netmask ${NETMASK} (Run 'netstat -i' to see if there is a interface 'eth0') step 06: Add your card to IP routing table, then add gateway also your card: /sbin/route add -net ${NETWORK} netmask ${NETMASK} eth0 (Should be able to ping local network now) gateway: /sbin/route add default gw ${GATEWAY} netmask metric 1 step 07: Start inet daemon. /usr/sbin/inetd (You are on the network now) *make sure that your kernel is built with network, fast_ethernet and module support. Otherwise, you have to rebuild your kernel. ( 01:Go to /usr/src/linux directory 02:Run "make menuconfig" or "make config" 03:Mark the options list above. 04:Exit and rebuild your kernel. make dep;make clean;make zImage the file "zImage" will be at /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/boot/zImage 05:Modify /etc/lilo.conf.(this file specify where kernel image is) 06:Run "lilo" ) You can run "netconfig" which will do step 05,06,07 for you. Then just add a line at the beginning of "/etc/rc.d/init.d/network". " insmod /lib/modules/{kernel-version}/net/np11004.o " *The directory "{kernel-version}" stands for the Linux kernel version you use. then your driver will work every time you boot."
Problem is the compile command gcc is not recognised and neither is the /usr/src/linux directory found. The card works as is, but response is very slow. My Kernel is 2.4.31 and lspci shows the network card chipset as Realtek Semiconductor
Also, if I get past the first few problems, what do I put at the {IPADDR}, {BROADCAST} and {NETMASK} variables? at step 5?
Any help will be most valuable as I'm trying to get away from Micro$oft. Thanks Tony
-------------- The older I get, the better I was.