
Group: Members
Posts: 6
Joined: Jan. 2004 |
Posted: Jan. 13 2004,04:52 |
I am far from a Linux guru, I just happened to learn a way to do what you want to do, i.e. connecting a Fedora machine to a DSL machine these last few days. Any improvement to what I say here is welcomed.
1)Do the hard drive install(see /home/damnsmall/HD_install_HOWTO.txt). 2)Connect your two computer with a CROSSOVER Ethernet cable. 3)Assign a static IP address and an alias to each of your machines: a) add a line to the file /etc/hosts of your Fedora machine like this one: dsl b) add a line to the file /etc/hosts of your DSL machine like this one: fedora 4) In Fedora, go to System Settings - Network – eth0 and enable a) check “activate device when computer starts” b) check “statically set IP addresses” c) set the field address to your fedora machine's IP address(here d) set the field subnet mask to e) click O.K. f) activate eth0 g) in System Settings – Security Level, make sure eth0 is a trusted device 5)(O.K. Here what I suggest is not polished because I don't know yet where is the proper place to put these things so that each time you boot your DSL machine, everything gets set correctly)In DSL, type the following commands: a) ifconfig eth0 up b) Now, test your settings by typing at either of your machines: ping <IP of the other machine here> c) You can also test your aliases by typing: ping <alias of the other machine>. 6)To share files between your machines you could mount the file system of the other machine by using NFS but I don't know yet how to do this. If nobody elaborates, I'll try to post here how to do it when I find out. A quick and universal way of transferring files between computer is ftp. To do this, you have to set up your fedora machine as a file server. a) go to System Settings – Server Settings – Services and scroll down to vsftpd. If your want it to start automatically each time you boot, check the box. While vsftpd is selected, click start. Here, on my machine, the window freezes and I have to kill it but the ftp daemon is nonetheless started. Does it freeze on yours? b) on your DSL machine try ftp <your user name on you fedora machine>@fedora. You should be able to put and get files in the directories for which you have proper permissions on your fedora machine. 7)Ssh is really handy to do remote access on your other machine. a) To access your DSL machine from your fedora machine, on your DSL machine, type: sshd b) To be able to access your Fedora machine from you DSL machine, go to System Settings – Server Settings – Services and scroll down to sshd. If your want it to start automatically each time you boot, check the box. While sshd is selected, click start. c) Now, to get a plain command line shell, you type: ssh -l <the user name you want to use on the other machine> <IP address or alias of the other machine> d) When you are in X on either machine and there is an X server running on the other machine, you can run an X application across the network by using the -X switch with ssh.
I hope I forgot nothing. Good luck!
All my DSL configuration is done in a script I run each time I need it. I don't know yet the clean way to do it automatically. Also, because I use static IP addresses, I commented out the following line in my /etc/network/interfaces file to prevent my DSL machine from trying to get an IP address using DHCP if my Fedora machine happens to be a DHCP server. Sometimes, when I do some experiments, it is. #iface eth0 inet dhcp