Posted: Mar. 10 2004,19:19 |
Check the site of the Motherboard Maker VIA VT6102 RHine 2 fast ethernet adapter(onboard). for the proper linux driver , i think instalation details will be included. Mine PCMCIA Actiontec LAN+33.6 modem card was found properly by DSL. i run it on Texas Instruments (Acer) EXTENSA 610CDT, Pentium 150MHz, 32MB of RAM, IBM 2GB HDD, Mine problem is to edit lilo.conf in vi editor to set the proper VGA=789 resolution of the login text mode cause i cannot see bottom 10 lines and cannot see what i type, but XWin is OK, i working on it, and also i want to find and install vnc server on the laprop so i operate from remote. smoked