
Group: Members
Posts: 68
Joined: Jan. 2008 |
Posted: Feb. 03 2008,21:16 |
It is a 16 bit ISA Aztech sound card. I would have to pull it out to get the model. There was a hardware conflict with my PnP NIC which I resolved in BOIS.
modprobe sb
Allows me to set the levels on different inputs and it does adjust the volume. Trying to play through the wave out makes the computer unresposive. I believed i need to specify these resorces:
reported by windows as: AZT 2320 PnP Device (audio)
base address: 220 wave address:530 wave irq: 10 playback dma: 0 record dma: 1
Internal OPL/OP3 FM Synthisis (MIDI) and EEPROM use the same.
MPU 401 irq: 5 address: 330
What would be the most likely correct command?
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