jls legalize

Group: Members
Posts: 476
Joined: April 2004 |
Posted: Oct. 28 2006,23:46 |
1) I don't really understand why we need /opt/.dslrc and /home/dsl/.mydsl. 2) Due to error in loading unc via mydsl icon I've changed /usr/bin/mydslinfo.lua to
Code Sample | #!/bin/murgaLua
-- (c) 2005, 2006 Robert Shingledecker -- myDSL info display usually called from mydslBrowser
function parseInfo(infofile) local i,j = string.find(infofile,".info") if not i then return nil end local basename=string.sub(infofile,1,i-1) local k,l = string.find(basename,'.dsl') if k then return basename else m,n = string.find(basename,'.uci') if m then return basename else o,p = string.find(basename,'.unc') if o then return basename else return basename .. '.tar.gz' end end end end
-- Main if #arg == 2 then library = arg[1] infofile = arg[2] else print("usage: mydslInfo.lua [library_name infofile_name]") os.exit(1) end
os.execute("pkill mydslBrowser.lua")
mirror = getOption("/opt/.dslrc","Mirror") protocol = getOption("/opt/.dslrc","Protocol")
os.execute('wget -q '..protocol..'://'..mirror..'/mydsl/'..library..'/'..infofile)
wWidth=500 wHgth=290 w = fltk:Fl_Window(wWidth,wHgth,infofile)
browser = fltk:Fl_Browser(0,0,wWidth,wHgth-30) if not browser:load(infofile) then print("can't load ", infofile) os.exit(1) end
cancelBtn = fltk:Fl_Button(180,wHgth-28,70,25,"&Cancel") cancelBtn:shortcut('c') cancelBtn:callback( function(cancelBtn) os.remove(infofile) os.exit(0) end) downloadBtn = fltk:Fl_Button(255,wHgth-28,70,25,"&Download") downloadBtn:shortcut('d') downloadBtn:callback( function(downloadBtn) extension = parseInfo(infofile) os.remove(infofile) os.execute('mydslDownload.lua ' .. library .. ' ' .. extension) os.exit(0) end) w:resizable(w) w:show() Fl:run()