
Group: Members
Posts: 22
Joined: Oct. 2005 |
Posted: Oct. 16 2005,16:02 |
Hello People,
Want to Test DSL, new version, keep CD Drive available for anything else, etc...
Download .iso DSL image to Your HD, you may rename image to a short name.
Almost there...
you have to boot now...
Option 1 - download floppy boot image, write it down a floppy.
Option 2 - Burn a CD, with image in your hd
Boot your system from the media you choose before.
At boot options type: dsl bootfrom=/dev/hdax/image-name.iso
Ok, now you will have a running DSL...
Knoppix says that file system can be a fat32, ntfs or reiserfs. Mine is Fat32.
Restriction: Kernel of booting media must be the same of .iso on hd.
(Can be modified to work with other media, like usb memory key.)
Thats all for today, folks...
From Brazil, land of beaultiful women and places...