
Group: Members
Posts: 4856
Joined: July 2004 |
Posted: Nov. 03 2007,23:28 |
You can probably consider this a beta. I'm going to try to work out some kinks, but basically I think it does what you're hoping.
I started to work out a way to check if a file is truly an xpm file in the same loop that checks for spaces, but I haven't gotten far with that yet. As it stands at this time, a non-xpm file with an xpm filename extension will crash the program.
I tested it out on a directory of over 600 images, and like the original script it chokes on such a large number of files. I'm guessing it's a limitation of FLTK.
Code Sample | #!/bin/murgaLua
-- XPM icon viewer -- mikshaw 2007 -- thanks to ^thehatsrule^ for help and suggestions
dir="/usr/share/dfm/icons" editor="xpaint" xpm_size=32
broken_xpm_data=[[ /* XPM */ static char *broken_image[] = { /* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */ "16 16 4 1", " c red", ". c #C4BF91", "X c #FFF8D6", "o c None", /* pixels */ "ooo..........ooo", "ooo. XXXXX X.ooo", "ooo. XXX X.ooo", "ooo.X X XX.ooo", "ooo.XX XXX.ooo", "ooo.X X XX.ooo", "ooo. XXX Xoooo", "ooo. XXXXo ooooo", "ooo.XXXXoooooooo", "ooo.XoXooooooooo", "ooo.oooooooo.ooo", "oooooooooXoX.ooo", "ooooooooXXXX.ooo", "oooooXoXXXXX.ooo", "ooooXXXXXXXX.ooo", "ooo..........ooo" }; ]] xpm_tempfile=os.tmpname() xpm_write=io.open(xpm_tempfile,"w") if xpm_write then xpm_write:write(broken_xpm_data) xpm_write:close() broken_xpm=fltk:Fl_XPM_Image(xpm_tempfile) os.remove(xpm_tempfile) end
edvar=os.getenv("XPM_EDITOR") if edvar then editor=edvar end
function get_image_data(self) local old_data=display:image() if old_data then old_data:uncache() end local image_data=self:image() if image_data then display:image(image_data:copy(128,128)) --show it bigger! broken=nil i_menu:mode(3,1) -- disable "fix" item else display:image(broken_xpm) broken=self:tooltip() i_menu:mode(3,0) end current_file=dir..self:tooltip() -- for editor display:label("\n"..self:tooltip().."\n"..lfs.attributes(current_file).size.." bytes") display:redraw() end
function menu_cb() local v=i_menu:value() if v==0 and current_file then os.execute(editor.." "..current_file.." &") elseif v==1 then chdir() elseif v==2 then refresh() elseif v==3 then fix_xpm() elseif v==4 then os.exit(0) end end
function find_stupid_space(infile) local data=io.open(infile) if data then local is_xpm,found=0,0 for line in data:lines() do --if string.find(line,"^%s") then is_xpm=1 end if string.find(line,"^%s") then found=1; break end end data:close() --if is_xpm~=1 or found==1 then return found end return found end end
function build_list(dfile) print(dfile) local active=1 if not string.find(dir,"/$") then dir=dir.."/" end scroll=fltk:Fl_Scroll(5,bh,sw,sh) w:add(scroll) pack=fltk:Fl_Pack(5,bh,bw,sh) pack:spacing(2) scroll:add(pack) -- get all xpm files for file in lfs.dir(dir) do if string.find(string.lower(file),"%.xpm$") then table.insert(images,file) end end table.sort(images) -- make buttons for "xpm_size" images only xpm_count=0 filesize=0 for i=1,table.getn(images) do icon[i]=fltk:Fl_XPM_Image(dir..images[i]) if icon[i]:w()==xpm_size and icon[i]:h()==xpm_size then xpm_count=1+xpm_count filesize=filesize+lfs.attributes(dir..images[i]).size butt[xpm_count]=fltk:Fl_Button(0,0,bw,bw) butt[xpm_count]:box(15) --shadow if find_stupid_space(dir..images[i])==0 then butt[xpm_count]:image(icon[i]) else butt[xpm_count]:label("bad\nimage") end butt[xpm_count]:callback(get_image_data) butt[xpm_count]:tooltip(images[i]) if broken==images[i] or dfile==images[i] then active=xpm_count end -- for refreshing display pack:add(butt[xpm_count]) else icon[i]:uncache() end end if butt[active] then -- show first image display:show() butt[active]:do_callback() end display2:label(xpm_count.." files | "..math.ceil(filesize/1024).." kb") end
function refresh() local old_image=display:image() if old_image then old_image:uncache(); display:hide() end -- clear all tables and remove buttons for i=1,table.getn(images) do table.remove(images) end for i=1,table.getn(icon) do icon[i]:uncache() end for i=1,table.getn(icon) do table.remove(icon) end for i=1,table.getn(butt) do table.remove(butt) end w:remove(scroll) Fl:delete_widget(scroll) scroll=nil build_list() end
function chdir() local dirname=fltk.fl_dir_chooser("pick a dir...",dir) if dirname then dir=dirname refresh() end end
function fix_xpm() if broken then os.execute("cd "..dir.." && sxpm -nod "..broken.." -o "..broken) refresh() end end
function open_file(what) if lfs.attributes(what).mode=="directory" then dir=what else dragfile=fltk.fl_filename_name(what) print(dragfile) dir=string.gsub(what,"(.*/).*$","%1") end build_list(dragfile) end
-- candy Fl:set_boxtype(fltk.FL_UP_BOX,fltk.FL_THIN_UP_BOX) Fl:set_boxtype(fltk.FL_DOWN_BOX,fltk.FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX) fltk.fl_define_FL_SHADOW_BOX() Fl:set_color(fltk.FL_DARK3,150,150,150) -- shadow Fl:set_color(fltk.FL_GRAY0,128,128,128) -- frame --Fl_Tooltip:disable()
-- some sizes and positions are determined by xpm_size bw=xpm_size+20 -- button width bh=30; sw=bw+20; sh=250 -- menu, scroll size ww=sw+sh+10 wh=bh+sh+10 images={}; icon={}; butt={} w=fltk:Fl_Window(ww,wh,"XPM Icons")
menu_items={"&Edit","&Directory","&Refresh","&Fix","&Quit"} i_menu=fltk:Fl_Menu_Button(0,0,sw+5,bh,"&Menu") i_menu:align(20) i_menu:callback(menu_cb) i_menu:selection_color(fltk.FL_WHITE) for i,v in ipairs(menu_items) do i_menu:add(v) end
display=fltk:Fl_Box(sw+5,0,sh,sh) -- big image display2=fltk:Fl_Box(sw+5,sh,sh,bh) -- dir info
if arg[1] then open_file(arg[1]) else build_list() end -- drag and drop w:show() Fl:run()
-------------- http://www.tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/index.html