
Group: Members
Posts: 524
Joined: Feb. 2006 |
Posted: Oct. 13 2006,05:30 |
Ok. There's at least Gnash: Quote | Flash Support: --------------
Many of the Flash movies that I come across play fine in Gnash. Many others do not. In particular, Flash movies that are used for browser navigation do not cause the browser to navigate yet. Producing sound does not generally work yet.
Gnash supports the majority of Flash opcodes up to SWF version 7, and a wide sampling of ActionScript classes for SWF version 7. All the core ones are implemented, and many of the newer ones work, but may be missing some of their methods. All unimplemented opcodes and ActionScript classes and methods print a warning when using -v with gnash or gprocessor. Using gprocessor -v is a quick way to see why a movie isn't playing correctly.
Currently implemented ActionScript classes are: Array, Boolean, Date, Key, Math, Mouse, Number, Object, Sound, String, XML, XMLNode, and XMLSocket.
Partially implemented classes are: MovieClipLoader, NetConnection, LocalConnection, MovieClip, TextField, and TextFormat.
Unimplemented classes are: Accessibility, Error, Function, LoadVars, Microphone, NetStream, Selection, SharedObject, Stage, System, Button, Camera, Color, ContextMenu, CustomActions, Video.
Unimplemented Opcodes are: Throw, Implements, Extends, EnumObject, Try, NewMethod, MDLength, MDSubstring, MDChr, Delete, GetTarget.
There is currently no FLV video, only minimal AMF data support, and no loading of external jpegs. Sound is currently non-functional.
Plugin: -------
The plugin correctly installs itself into Mozilla, Firefox, or Konqueror. It can play some Flash files in cooperation with the browser. It should work with any browser that supports the newer version of Mozilla's NSPR API and plugin SDK. This does not work with the older browsers like Firefox 1.0.x, but works find with any Firefox 1.5 or newer browser. The older browsers fail to initialize the plugin, so you only get a blank screen.
Some web pages have Internet Explorer-specific Javascript that fail in Firefox, which prevents the plugin from being loaded. In these cases I "view source" and then use wget to grab the movie for testing.
By default, the configure script looks for the GtkGl extension, and if that can't be found, it defaults to using SDL. The plugin works by using the standalone player, so which ever graphics library Gnash uses, it's the same as the standalone player.
The GTK version has full event handling, and supports a right-click mouse menu to control the movie. The SDL version has no event handling, which means mouse clicks and keys pressed get ignored. Also the windows don't resize, and occasionally they overrun thweir biundaries. The GTK version requires GtkGlExt, and defaults to SDL if GtkGlExt is not installed, or if --disable-glext is passed to configure.
All Flash movies are downloaded in full to /tmp, and then played from there. Gnash is not yet able to play a Flash file "as it arrives" over the network. Adding the ability to handle input streams is on the TODO list.
Configure with --with-plugindir= to set the directory that "make install" will install the plugin in. By default it will be installed in the users .mozilla/plugins or .firefox/plugins directory. |
But as you noticed, it lacks many features.
Anyone know any better player?
-------------- Do you have it? - http://dy.fi/mak