Sir Lunch-a-lot

Group: Members
Posts: 19
Joined: June 2005 |
Posted: Nov. 23 2005,00:38 |
Hi. I am making another attempt at getting SDL installed into DSL. I am stuck with a winmodem for the time being, so I have to use windows for my internet. As a result, I cannot use the fancy shmancy apt-get function to my advantage.
One other brief hardware note is that I am using a computer which, to the absolute best of my knowledge, is i386 based.
I decided to try installing the .deb files that I already possess for SDL (via DPKG), and it said something to the effect that I have libc6>=2.3.2.ds1-10, but I need libc6>=2.3.2.ds1-21. So, I went to in order to find the needed SDL packages AND all their dependancys. However, if would only appear that they offer libc6>=2.3.2.ds1-4 (this was listed as a dependancy under this page:
So, before I commit myself to downloading a crapload of big, and potentially useless files, I would just like to know "What gives?". Am I mis-interpreting some of the data? Are some of these dependancys irrelivant in my situation? Does anyone have any tips and advise (other than the obvious "Get a real modem" or "use apt-get" stuff. I've heard that all before, and at the moment, I have no intention of doing the first to allow me to do the latter. Sure... I'd love to have a real hardware modem. Maybe sometime down the road I'll invest in one... but until then...)
Any help or info would be much appreciated. Thank's.