
Group: Members
Posts: 217
Joined: Dec. 2005 |
Posted: Jan. 12 2006,06:39 |
################################################################################# Sorry for the delay instead of a iso, I have made a script file that will download and configure a DSLinux-COD2 server. This way we do not have to eat up our bandwidth, dishing out a 54meg iso, and that of the original creators get there just praise for creating such wonderful things (Linux COD Server Files). It is not pretty and I am sure anyone else could have done a better job. ANYONE wanting this script can email me, you will need to give me an address where you can get a 3-4k attachment. The email script is polished, well more thought into polishing it anyway.
The script assumes the following: YOU WILL NOT GET MAD IF IT TOASTS YOUR CURRENT INSTALL OF DSL, BREAKS YOUR MACHINE OR WHATEVER. You HAVE INSTALLED to a NON-Frugal install to a harddrive of at least 9 gigs in size. You have a configured connection to the internet. And that you have the dvd version of COD2. Your machine is at least a P2 550mhz w/512 megs of ram. (faster the better)
What it does is... Download the files needed from the internet. unpacks them into the cod2 directory. Sets paths. Copys the DVD to the /cod2/main directory. Builds a basic server config file. Starts the server.
######################To edit config files###################### /cod2/main/server01.cfg open in a text file editor to change startup rules.
To start the server after it has been shutdown, cd to the /cod2 directory and then type: "./cod2_lnxded +exec server01.cfg +map_rotate" and it will start up
To manage your server from a Windows machine google for "rcon4cod2" download & install it. ####################################### You can also copy the following text into beaver as a bash script and then save to your local drive. You need to run it as root.
#!/bin/bash #COD2 install Script by 300c@crd-dwc.com, distrubuted under "USE AT YOUR OWN RISK" License terms. Make no mistake, I am not responsible #for anything resulting from the use of this, period. By running this script you agree to be bound by not only this agreement but the user #agreements for the software downloaded by this script. Proceed with caution. # http://download.softpedia.com/linux/games/cod2-lnxded-1.0a-11072005.tar.bz2 # http://icculus.org/updates/cod/gcc3-libs.tar.bz2
mkdir /cod2 mkdir /cod2/main mkdir /cod2/cdrom ####Downloads of needed files cd /cod2 wget http://download.softpedia.com/linux....tar.bz2 wait
echo "Server file downloaded." tar -jxf /cod2/cod2-lnxded-1.0a-11072005.tar.bz2 wait echo "Server file has been decompressed in the /cod2 directory."
wget http://icculus.org/updates/cod/gcc3-libs.tar.bz2 wait echo "GCC files downloaded." tar -jxf /cod2/gcc3-libs.tar.bz2 wait LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$/cod2 echo "GCC has been decompressed in the /cod2 dir."
#########Load files from DVD############ echo "Need to insert the COD2 DVD now!, Hit enter when it is in." read cdromf echo "Mounting... $cdromf may take a minute" mount /dev/cdrom /cod2/cdrom wait sleep 10 clear echo "Coping files now... Get a beer this will take a long time!" wait cp -r /cod2/cdrom/Setup/Data/main/ /cod2/ wait echo "Coping of files is done" umount /dev/cdrom ############Server config################### clear echo "Type in the RCON_Password that you want, and hit enter" read paswordf echo "Making Server config file" echo "//This is Damn Small Linux COD2 Server" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "//Host Name and Min. config" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_hostname "DSL Linux Serv."" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "//Message of the day" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set scr_motd "Play Nice or Go Away!"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_maxping "250"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_minping "0"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "// Types include bel, dm, re, sd, tdm" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set g_gametype "tdm"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "//put something good for a password" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set rcon_password $paswordf" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_maxclients "10"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_maxrate "15000"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_pure "1"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_gamespy "1"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "DO NOT ALLOW VOTING ON A DSL BOX...REDHAT/FEDORA THIS WORKS" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set scr_allow_vote "0"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set g_allowvote "0"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_maprotation "gametype tdm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_burgandy"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg echo "set sv_mapRotationCurrent "gametype tdm map mp_brecourt gametype dm map mp_carentan gametype dm map mp_burgandy"" >>/cod2/main/server01.cfg
clear echo "Server files are configured...Hit enter and see if it will run?" read enterf echo "Here we go... $enterf "
./cod2_lnxded +exec server01.cfg +map_rotate
-------------- 300c_Pilot Boise, Idaho