Jim Hayes
Posted: Nov. 02 2005,22:21 |
You can make your own if you like ! see : http://www.hackaday.com/entry/1234000153064739/ for all the right clues. I did something like this : make a disk file using qemu-img e.g "E:\qemu>qemu-img create -f vmdk dsl.vmdk 512M" alter the .vmx to boot off the DSL iso, and load your new dsl.vmdk When booted, note you have a virtual hd on hda. partition it using fdisk from within DSL, (I just made the one, hda1) then right click the desktop and choose the install to hard disk option. follow instructions whilst noting that you can only destroy your virtual disk file, just make another if it doesn't work out. reboot the VM. It boots ! it works! much much faster than QEMU, networking and sound etc just seem to work straight out of box for me on win2k.
Apologies for my vagueness, I'm afraid I was rather drunk when I did this, and am now hung over, but that only goes to show how easy it is even for an idiot like myself.