
Group: Members
Posts: 28
Joined: Dec. 2004 |
Posted: Dec. 10 2004,03:40 |
FOUND it. Here is the meo post that helped me which is similar to your usul and possibly others:
Posted: Nov. 19 2004,15:37
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks cbagger01 for helping me out with making a boot-disk to make usb-booting possible on my machine. That was just a part of the problem though. I have the infamous SanDisk mini cruzer 256 MB with witch so many have had problems when trying to make a frugal install of DSL. With help of the posts of “roberts” I finally made it work. I have made a little HOWTO so that others may benefit from the conclusions I have made. So here it comes:
Setup instructions:
1. Plugin the usb-drive
2. Boot from DSL 0.8.x cdrom
3. Copy the files: bootusb-0.8.img and frugal_usb.tar.gz to your home directory
4. At the system menu select Shells-> root-access
Issue the following commands:
5. #mydsl-load frugal_usb.tar.gz
6. #echo “mtools_skip_check=1” > .mtoolsrc
Then follow the onscreen prompts and it should work (at least it did for me on the infamous SanDisk 256 MB mini cruzer). I might mention that I started with reformatting it under Windows with fat32. Hope someone have some use of these lines.
Have fun Y'all, ten four, meo