
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: Sep. 17 2005,01:42 |
While the gtk elements are distributable under the LGPL, ( and so they must post it prominently.. )
The code for AIM itself is NOT under any but their own license..
With this type of licensing, DSL repositories will not hold code from AOL/AIM.
It may not even be legal to POST this license here.. ??
Quote | AIM License to You AOL and its vendors grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable limited license to install the software and services distributed by AOL (including all software and services provided by a third-party vendor for AOL) in object code form only on any computer or device from which you wish to access the AIM service and all other AIM Products ("Software") and to use the Software for the sole and exclusive purposes of connecting to and using the AIM Products in accordance with these Terms of Service. You may not sub-license, or charge others to use or access the Software without first obtaining written permission from AOL. AOL occasionally will provide automatic upgrades to improve your online experience, such as virus and spam screening technologies, although these upgrades may not be consistent across all platform and devices. You agree to accept and to take no action to interfere with such automatic upgrades, scanning, and related services. You may not sell, assign, grant a security interest in or otherwise transfer any right in the Software or incorporate it (or any portion of it) into another product. You may not copy the Software. You may not translate, reverse-engineer or reverse-compile or decompile, disassemble, make derivative works from, or otherwise attempt to discover any source code in the Software. You may not modify the Software or use it in any way not expressly authorized by these Terms of Service. You may not obtain the communications protocol for accessing the AIM service, the AIM Products, or any other AOL services. Finally, you may not authorize or assist any third party to do any of the things described in this paragraph. You understand that AOL's introduction of various technologies may not be consistent across all platforms and that the performance and features offered by AOL may vary depending on your computer and other equipment. Restrictions on Access to or Use of AIM Products You may access AIM Products only through the interfaces and protocols provided or authorized by AOL. You agree that you will not access AIM Products through unauthorized means, such as unlicensed software clients, and that you will only use AIM Products in conjunction with AOL authorized products and components.
We or our suppliers may provide you with software to use with the Services (“Software”). Such Software will be subject to the terms of the license agreement that accompanies the Software. If there is no license agreement presented to you with the Software, then we and our suppliers grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to install the Software on any single computer or device from which you wish to access and use the Services. Such Software is protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws and treaties and owned by us or our suppliers. You may not sell or redistribute the Software. You may not incorporate it or any portion of it into another product. You may not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software or otherwise attempt to derive the source code (except where expressly permitted by law). You may not modify, adapt or create derivative works from the Software in any way or remove proprietary notices in the Software. You may access the Services only through the software, interfaces and protocols provided or authorized by us. You agree to abide by all laws and regulations in effect regarding your use of the Software and the Services. Finally, you may not authorize or assist any third party to do any of the things prohibited in this paragraph.
We may automatically check your version of the Software. We may automatically update the Software on your computer to improve the performance and capabilities of the Software. If you shut down the Software during an automatic update or otherwise interfere with the installation of the update, the Software may be damaged and/or cease to operate.
Your license will end on the date your applicable Service ends. Your license will also end if we modify the Service in a way that no longer supports the Software. We may disable the Software after the date the Service ends.
The Software is a "commercial item," as that term is defined in 48 C.F.R. 2.101, consisting of "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation," as such terms are used in 48 C.F.R. 12.212 (Sept. 1995). Consistent with 48 C.F.R. 12.212 and 48 C.F.R. 27.405(b)(2) (June 1998) and 48 C.F.R. 227.7202, all U.S. Government end users acquire the Software with only those rights as set forth herein.
73 ke4nt