
Group: Members
Posts: 4264
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: July 06 2004,05:32 |
Below you will find my first attempt at creating a "DEB to DSL" conversion script.
This script should convert simple *.deb packages into a *.dsl extension. By "simple" I mean: Debian Packages that don't have post-extraction installation scripts or Debian Packages that attempt to upgrade existing DSL base packages
The script will grab all *.deb files in your home directory AND all *.deb files in your apt archives directory and combine them into one *.dsl file with a myDSL menu entry.
Here are the usage instructions:
(1) Start with a clean boot-up from livecd or from frugal install when building packages. (2) Use the Apps -> Tools -> Enable Apt menu to install apt-get/dpkg. If you try and install Synaptic the Synaptic-related packages will accidentally get sucked into your new *.dsl package unless you purge your cache. If you need synaptic, please use it to find the exact name of your package and write it down on paper. Then do a clean reboot and use the apt command line to install the package that you wrote down. (3) Open a regular Xterminal and type "sudo su" to become the root user. (4) Use 'apt-get install packagename' or 'dpkg -i packagename.deb' or both to install the needed packages. Do NOT delete the *.deb files yet. (5) Open up scite and use the clipboard functions to copy and paste this script into scite. Save it as "deb2dsl". (6) Type 'exit' in the Xterminal from step (3) so that you are no longer the root user. Then type 'chmod 755 deb2dsl' to make the script executable. (7) Type './deb2dsl' to start up the script. (8) Answer the prompts for package name, myDSL menu name, program executable name. (9) Your new *.dsl package should be sitting in your home directory. Save it somewhere like a hard drive or a flash drive. (10) Test out your new package in the following manner: Try a bootup test with dsl in root directory or with "dsl mydsl=hda1" style boot parameter If this works OK, then reboot and try a post-boot install using the "myDSL" button on the emelfm menu.
Good Luck.
Code Sample | #!/bin/bash # # deb2dsl - Converts one or more Debian packages (*.deb files) into # a DSL extension (*.dsl file) with prompts to create a # myDSL Menu item for the newly created package. # # Revision: 0 # Date: 07/05/04 # Original Author: cbagger01 from the DSL forums # # This script will grab all *.deb files located in your # "Home" directory, IE: the /home/username directory # It will also grab all *.deb files located in your apt # cache, IE: /var/cache/apt/archives # # Before running this script, you need to actually install # all of your Debian packages using 'dpkg -i' or # 'apt-get install' or a package manager like Synaptic. # Do NOT delete your leftover *.deb files or purge your # apt-cache until after you have finished running this # script. # # Disclaimer: # This script is just a file repackaging program that # can be used for simple Debian packages. It will not # perform post-extraction configuration that is done # by more sophisticated Debian packages. It also cannot # be used to upgrade packages from older versions # that are part of the DSL livecd base installation.
# This script will not work if it is run under the 'root' effective # user ID which is 0 if [ "$EUID" -eq "0" ]; then echo "Do not use 'root' access to run this script. Aborting..." exit 1 fi
# Start things out from the home directory so we won't get confused cd $HOME
# Clean up any leftover temp files if needed rm -rf /tmp/deb2dsl_files.tmp rm -rf /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp
# Find all Debian packages in your home directory and grab the list of # files that are contained inside each package. Make sure that directory # names are not grabbed. Only file names will be added to the list. for i in $( ls $HOME/*.deb ); do dpkg -c $i | awk '{ print $6 }' | grep -v "\/$" >> /tmp/deb2dsl_files.tmp done
# Find all Debian packages in your apt cache directory and grab the list # of files that are contained inside each package. Make sure that # directory names are not grabbed. Only file names will be added to the # list. for i in $( ls /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb ); do dpkg -c $i | awk '{ print $6 }' | grep -v "\/$" >> /tmp/deb2dsl_files.tmp done
package_name= whiptail --clear --nocancel \ --inputbox "Enter the full name for your DSL package Example: rox.dsl " \ 20 74 2> /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp package_name=`cat /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp` rm -rf /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp
menu_name= whiptail --clear --nocancel \ --inputbox "Enter the myDSL menu name for your program Example: Rox Filer " \ 20 74 2> /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp menu_name=`cat /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp` rm -rf /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp
program_path= whiptail --clear --nocancel \ --inputbox "Enter the executable name for your program Example: /usr/bin/rox " \ 20 74 2> /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp program_path=`cat /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp` rm -rf /tmp/deb2dsl_prompt.tmp
# Create the mydsl menu directory mkdir /tmp/
# Create the new mydsl menu item file echo "[exec] ("$menu_name") {"$program_path"}" > /tmp/$package_name
# Add the mydsl menu file to the list of files that will be # included into the new new dsl package echo "./tmp/"$package_name >> /tmp/deb2dsl_files.tmp
# Create the new DSL package tar -zcvf $package_name -T /tmp/deb2dsl_files.tmp -C / rm /tmp/deb2dsl_files.tmp rm /tmp/$package_name rm -r /tmp/ exit 0