
Group: Members
Posts: 75
Joined: May 2004 |
Posted: Jan. 15 2005,16:05 |
I noticed that the distros which gotten better reviews than dsl has one thing in common, beautiful desktop. SLAX has NOTHING, just pretty colorful bubble-like icons. MEPIS dont even have vncviewer on 700MB, but has pretty KDE, man!!! just look at that boot up screen!. Morphix is beautiful but is a 700MB distro that dont do centrino!! good grieve!! KNOPPIX used to have ugly "robotic eye" screen if you guys still remember, but users cant stand it. Kanotic is beautiful and alot faster but is too bloated. Beatrix, feather, puppy, morphix, gnoppix are all pretty.. But do they dont have local loadable module?
you gave a good overview. I gave up on a distro once it dont run on my centrino and I wont play with it long if it dont have locally loadable modules; I carry 3 distros in my laptop bag; gamesknoppix, kanotix and dsl. I only use dsl because I hate the sound of cdrom spinning everytime I change pages when browsing web. My laptop is TOTALLY silence because of toram options is feasible on my 512MB ram.
just my 2cents