
Group: Members
Posts: 2329
Joined: Oct. 2003 |
Posted: May 27 2004,05:37 |
After the days of.... peeking and pokeing on a commodore c64/c128 - remember basic? (Man, If you had a Lt. Kernel, and a fat 80 MEG SCSI drive , you were KING !) running analog sweeps with "batch files" on an old at&t XT and pounding out big floppies on a "Model 3"............ ahh yes..
I worked on my first pc back in the 286 days, with my brother, who liked to play Hardball II and keep track of his baseball card collection. MY first pc was a 386 DX 16 !! 4M on the MB, and 4M on a daughtercard.. Choplifter and good ol' Norton Commander were my friends then... Ran DR-DOS for a while, but upgraded! to MS-DOS 5.0, and thought I was in Fat City AMD came out with their 386DX40, which was a really good setup for the money.... Doom... trackers and MOD files..No mp3's
Another ham here in Houston was into the J-NOS / T-NOS scene. Running packets over his radio, and sending emails without an ISP was "Pretty Cool" Linux was his game, and he was good at it.. Got me started with a 2 meter radio, and a small packet program.. Linux was native to the protocol - AX25
I remember getting my first intro into linux from a friend who handed me a redhat 5 book with a cd in it, and a 6 pack set of cd's from "MicroCenter"...
Redhat 6, Mandrake, Slackware, FreeBSD, etc...
I really liked Redhat then, and today still run RH9 and FC1 here..
Suse just had everything layed-out differently, which Redhat has begun to do as well.... Slack was really difficult to grasp. dselect was NOT my friend !! Mandrake was OK, and is still nice.. Always used to crash, though... I have recently enjoyed the music distros based on redhat, like CCRMA, and so on.. Maybe one day, I can ditch the M$ in the studio... ...and it wouldn't be fair to leave out DSL.. Not only does it run on just about everything without "breaking the bank", It's small enough to trash completely when your doing stuff that you DARE not do on that 5 Gb install of RH9, and big enough to get done what you want to do, like learn the real guts inside Linux, without being overwhelmed by the sheer number of files and programs.. .... and a great forum! Just look around!
73 ke4nt