
Group: Members
Posts: 7
Joined: Nov. 2003 |
Posted: Oct. 20 2004,23:32 |
Eureka!!! I finally got it to work.
First thing: roberts' comments about USB Stick usage made me rethink, so I moved my bash and python scripts from the USB Stick (sda1, aka /cdrom) to /home/dsl, at least for the time being. Thanks, roberts!
Second thing: ke4nt's comments about permissions and ownership caused me to watch/fix the ownership/permissions closely. Thanks, ke4nt/Kent!
I must admit that I'm still a bit confused with permissions, groups and ownership, because I've noticed that moving/copying files around, as well as editing files, will change these, on occasion. I need to do more reading on the subject, and get a handle on it.
The 'Bottom Line' is that /opt/bootlocal.sh was: -rw-rw-r-- 1 dsl staff 74 Oct 20 13:23 bootlocal.sh
When I changed it to: -rwx------ 1 dsl staff 74 Oct 20 13:23 bootlocal.sh
The whole process worked!
I don't know if/how bootlocal.sh's permissions got changed. I almost never do any chmod cmds, so if it was changed, it wasn't me (intentionally, at least :) I'll have to reinstall DSL on my USB Stick and then check /opt/bootlocal.sh to find out (unless someone out there can look at theirs and tell us).
Also, the bash script, /home/dsl/start_myfav (that sets the Python path env stuff) needs to be executable. The Python script, myfav.py, doesn't, however (for the edification of the other newbies out there!).
The interesting thing, which roberts mentioned, was that my python script ran before the windows manager started up (the tux icon was in the top left corner of the screen). Once my python script finished, it continued on into the desktop environment. After DSL init'd into runlevel 5, and after /cdrom/backup.tar.gz is restored, the Python script executed.
Also, there's a chance I had the python script running earlier, but just didn't notice it during the boot process (my 'Hello World' python script was awefully quick). I'm glad I changed my test python script to one that runs longer than the old 'Hello World' script:
Here's what I ended up with, FWIW:
import time print '\n\n' print 'Hello World!!!' print '\n\n' time.sleep(5)
BTW, this is a handy method of putting a delay in the boot/initialization (dmesg?) 'flood' that occurs!!! Like I said earlier, this Python script was executed just after the init to runlevel 5 and the backup.tar.gz restore from /cdrom (sda1, the USB Stick).
I was really wanting my script to run in a window on the desktop, but I'll save that for some other time.
Thanks very, very much, gang! You guys definitely know your stuff!
73 es tnx agn Wasgate