
Group: Members
Posts: 4856
Joined: July 2004 |
Posted: Dec. 16 2007,01:34 |
Quote | Is there a way to make these persistent with a hd install or will they need to be loaded at every reboot? | If it's tar.gz or dsl it should persist on a traditional debian-style harddrive install. If it's unc you can copy the directories from opt/whatever into the base system (the unc should include bin, lib, and other standard directories). If it's uci you can copy the whole /opt/whatever directory to a temporary directory, uninstall (umount) the uci, then move the copied directory to /opt/whatever ("whatever" being the name of the original program directory installed from the uci).
Quote | Thank you mikshaw and "anon" for the packages! | Although i know I've created a Python extension for my own personal use, I don't remember ever submitting it to mydsl due to my limited internet speed. Maybe I'm crazier than I thought...
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