
Group: Members
Posts: 344
Joined: Oct. 2006 |
Posted: July 24 2007,15:58 |
Do look out for 'MyDSL->Testing->cdisplay.tar.gz'. I submitted it last week, so it should be up soon. It is modified from the original cdisplay, here. It has become very different from the original - not radically - but in terms of commands used, etc, etc. Anyway, the original served as the base, and moreover, I like the name 'cdisplay' very much. xzgv is used as the image viewer. At present there is 'scansreader.uci' (MyDSL->Testing->scansreader.uci), which I once thought was the best solution, but I have since found that a script does the job better and more efficiently (scansreader is itself an image viewer - with the 'cdisplay' script, we can just use xzgv which we already have), so I have submitted 'cdisplay.tar.gz' with the intention of replacing this. If you compare the two, I believe you will find cdisplay feels better to use. But scansreader is still worth a try. It's weakness is that it is ugly. The usability is good. Anyway, I have requested that 'scansreader.uci' be taken down once 'cdisplay.tar.gz' gets posted. That is the current situation. Anyway, I am very satisfied with my modifed version of cdisplay, so, do look out for it. I test it on comics/manga extensively - I am using it on a daily basis. .7z, .cba/.ace, .cbr/.rar, .cbt/.tar, and .cbz/.zip formats are supported - the external program is called, images are decompressed to '/tmp/cdisplay-$$/' and the folder is removed when the script terminates. I believe you will also like it very much. (I submitted an updated version of 'cdisplay.tar.gz' just now. I only added the `-f` switch to the `xzgv` command - currently it is `xzgv -rt` - so that xzgv will start in fullscreen; this is more convenient, moreso when you have lots of archives to browse through - you do not have to resize the xzgv window when opening each of them, if it is already fullscreen.) (Regarding the external decompression programs, I have also submitted the following extensions together with 'cdisplay.tar.gz': MyDSL->Testing->unace.tar.gz MyDSL->Testing->unrar.tar.gz MyDSL->Testing->p7zip.tar.gz So, you can choose which you want. 'cdisplay.tar.gz' is only 1KB in size - It is just a script. DSL already has `unzip`, so .cbz/.zip archives are supported directly.)
There are other good programs, but they all require gui libraries not found in DSL. Comical (wxGTK with GTK2 required - although it compiles successfully with wxgtk1, it does not run properly) Comix (GTK2 + PyGTK [Python required]) qcomicbook (QT 3.3) (The `qcomicbook` program itself is quite small - a few hundred KB. I have tried compiling QT 3.3; the library compressed as '.tar.gz' is around 3MB in size. If I submit QT as an extension, there are also other QT-dependent extensions [Opera, etc, etc] that can benefit from sharing one library. So, having `qcomicbook` in DSL is quite possible - just a matter of having free time to polish it up. Apart from all this, qcomicbook is a very nice program - good usability, useful features, etc. I haven't installed Comical or Comix before, so I can't comment.)