Jason W

Group: Members
Posts: 260
Joined: Nov. 2006 |
Posted: Mar. 05 2007,04:16 |
To make things easy for me, I tend to do most of my compiling for DSL on Debian Woody, which I also use as my HD install system. The resulting packages can usually be plugged right in to DSL or even Debian Sarge since older packages seem to work on newer systems, but not the other way around. In Woody, I can have -dev packages installed coming out my ears making it much easier to work with than trying to compile things for DSL, which by it's very nature makes it hard to have the right -dev packages installed due to it's design. If I must compile on DSL, I sometimes have to grab packages from Woody and install them with dpkg, even having to do a dpkg --force-all -i pkgname.deb at times. I am not very experienced on compiling on DSL since I quickly fell into the dependency issues that made me run back to Woody to do my compiling. Sure, I took the easy way out, but I am learning more about the DSL development system. There is the occasional dependency issue that you will run into when compiling on Woody for DSL since DSL has some updated and different packages but that is the exception and not the rule. Now for kernel stuff, one of course must use DSL or install the specific kernel stuff on another system. Hope this made some sense.