Monkey 9

Group: Members
Posts: 25
Joined: Dec. 2005 |
Posted: July 16 2008,18:39 |
Today i started to partition the CF-Card, copied the OS.IMG to the vfat16 partition, and unpacked the sargebooktarball to an ext3 partition. I also had a swappartition made: 128MB, on a 2GB disk.
The OS.Img booted up, networkcard fully functional, but x could not get started. I only could login to tty1: 'startx': bash: command unknown.
Maybe the ext3 fs was not yet supported, while saying it is, or it is something else.
The knoppix shutdown kill signal is used and works, only the button to shut off doesn't, so i have to take the card out, to be able to shut down the power.
I had hoped to see a graphical desktop, but helas, not yet...