
Group: Members
Posts: 10
Joined: Nov. 2003 |
Posted: Nov. 27 2003,10:17 |
Hello to the DSL community!
I am working on a remaster of the DSL 0.5 release to basically create a Citrix ICA thin client. This will allow older PCs to be recycled and get some good use. DSL seems to be a really good fit for the job due to its size, stability, and speed. I have read through the KNOPPIX remastering guide as well as quite a few posts on this board on that topic and it looks pretty straightforward.
Let me describe my goals in a nutshell:
The goal is to use the existing distro and simply add Citrix ICA client to the ISO image, remaster it, and use it as a LiveCD that will also double as a simple hard disc installation package. The idea is to create a distro that our 'non-linux' techs can easily install to a hard drive with simple documentation. End users should also be able to be Linux-ignorant. The idea is to have the distro boot straight into fluxbox, where they will simply click on an icon to start the ICA manager.
Now, I have a few questions regarding accomplishing a few tasks. Maybe one of you all might be able to offer some assistance to this DSL newbie ;)
1. Is it possible to eliminate the setup prompts when the distro loads? Since this distro is built on KNOPPIX, it would be nice to skip the setup prompts and just have the system autodetect hw and boot to the desktop like KNOPPIX. If so, how would it be accomplished during the remaster?
2. Does anyone know what it will take to make the hdinstall script automatically create partitions (or maybe allow for manual partitioning with cfdisk) so that the person installing the distro simply has to launch the script and create the partitions? Combinine this feature with the idea from question one would make this 'modded' distro rock!
3. (really a non-DSL question, but here goes anyway) Is there a way to enable icons by default in Fluxbox. My goal is to remove 'most' of the standard icons and add one for Citrix ICA manager so users can simple click an icon to setup thin sessions.
4. Last, but definitely not least... I started the remaster process by creating partitions and mounting them under DSL. After copying the appropriate files, chrooted and attempted to install ICA client. It will not work. I keep getting 'failed to get file attributes' errors all over the place for chown, chgrp, etc. I tried changing attribs on the files/dirs in question but nothing seems to work... anyone seen anything like this?? Very peculiar issue... Maybe I am just missing something.
I think that's it... ;)
Sorry this is such a long post. I thought I would simply dump it all out here for anyone who might be 'in the know' to give some tips and/or advice. Thanks in advance for any assistance you may be able to offer!! 
Best MadPenguin