
Group: Members
Posts: 8
Joined: July 2005 |
Posted: July 07 2005,02:17 |
Okay, first It took me several hours to figure this out... Assuming you have a german keyboard, you may have noticed that the @ key will not work in firefox, even just after you have booted into the default DSL Setup, without XFree86... This IS NOT a problem of the firefox browser, although some guys in this forum thought.
Open a terminal and type the following two lines:
Code Sample | xmodmap -e "remove mod4 = Mode_switch" xmodmap -e "add mod5 = Mode_switch" |
Now you will notice that the @ Key works in Firefox... thanks for this tip to the forum member jls legalize
Ok, now for the more difficult part (just kidding, it is easy for you, was difficult for me). When you install XFree86 via MyDSL and configure it so that it works, you will notice that the Alt Gr Key is not working anymore... Assuming You have a German Windows Keyboard create a file in your home directory called .xmodmap-box
Copy & Paste this into the file (use a editor of your choice):
Code Sample | keycode 0x09 = Escape keycode 0x43 = F1 F11 keycode 0x44 = F2 F12 keycode 0x45 = F3 F13 keycode 0x46 = F4 F14 keycode 0x47 = F5 F15 keycode 0x48 = F6 F16 keycode 0x49 = F7 F17 keycode 0x4A = F8 F18 keycode 0x4B = F9 F19 keycode 0x4C = F10 F20 keycode 0x5F = F11 keycode 0x60 = F12 keycode 0x6F = Print keycode 0x4E = Mode_switch 0x1007FF01 keycode 0x6E = Pause keycode 0x31 = asciicircum degree keycode 0x0A = 1 exclam keycode 0x0B = 2 quotedbl twosuperior keycode 0x0C = 3 section threesuperior keycode 0x0D = 4 dollar keycode 0x0E = 5 percent keycode 0x0F = 6 ampersand keycode 0x10 = 7 slash braceleft keycode 0x11 = 8 parenleft bracketleft keycode 0x12 = 9 parenright bracketright keycode 0x13 = 0 equal braceright keycode 0x14 = ssharp question backslash keycode 0x15 = apostrophe grave keycode 0x16 = BackSpace keycode 0x6A = Insert keycode 0x61 = Home keycode 0x63 = Prior keycode 0x4D = Num_Lock keycode 0x70 = KP_Divide keycode 0x3F = KP_Multiply keycode 0x52 = KP_Subtract keycode 0x17 = Tab keycode 0x18 = q Q at keycode 0x19 = w W w keycode 0x1A = e E e keycode 0x1B = r R r keycode 0x1C = t T t keycode 0x1D = z Z z keycode 0x1E = u U u keycode 0x1F = i I i keycode 0x20 = o O o keycode 0x21 = p P p keycode 0x22 = udiaeresis Udiaeresis keycode 0x23 = plus asterisk asciitilde keycode 0x24 = Return keycode 0x6B = Delete keycode 0x67 = End keycode 0x69 = Next keycode 0x4F = KP_7 keycode 0x50 = KP_8 keycode 0x51 = KP_9 keycode 0x56 = KP_Add keycode 0x42 = Caps_Lock keycode 0x26 = a A a keycode 0x27 = s S s keycode 0x28 = d D d keycode 0x29 = f F f keycode 0x2A = g G g keycode 0x2B = h H h keycode 0x2C = j J j keycode 0x2D = k K k keycode 0x2E = l L l keycode 0x2F = odiaeresis Odiaeresis keycode 0x30 = adiaeresis Adiaeresis keycode 0x33 = numbersign apostrophe keycode 0x53 = KP_4 keycode 0x54 = KP_5 keycode 0x55 = KP_6 keycode 0x32 = Shift_L keycode 0x5E = less greater bar keycode 0x34 = y Y y keycode 0x35 = x X x keycode 0x36 = c C c keycode 0x37 = v V v keycode 0x38 = b B b keycode 0x39 = n N n keycode 0x3A = m M mu keycode 0x3B = comma semicolon keycode 0x3C = period colon keycode 0x3D = minus underscore keycode 0x3E = Shift_R keycode 0x62 = Up keycode 0x57 = KP_1 keycode 0x58 = KP_2 keycode 0x59 = KP_3 keycode 0x6C = KP_Enter keycode 0x25 = Control_L keycode 0x73 = NoSymbol keycode 0x40 = Alt_L Meta_L keycode 0x41 = space keycode 0x71 = Mode_switch keycode 0x74 = NoSymbol keycode 0x75 = NoSymbol keycode 0x6D = Multi_key keycode 0x64 = Left keycode 0x68 = Down keycode 0x66 = Right keycode 0x5A = KP_0 keycode 0x5B = KP_Separator
clear Shift clear Lock clear Control clear Mod1 clear Mod2 clear Mod3 clear Mod4 clear Mod5
add Shift = Shift_L Shift_R add Lock = Caps_Lock add Control = Control_L add Mod1 = Alt_L add Mod2 = Num_Lock add Mod5 = Mode_switch Mode_switch
I made this above with the wonderfull programm xkeycaps, which I installed via apt-get... But thats not the topic... Save the file x and then open a terminal again and type:
Code Sample | xmodmap .xmodmap-box |
Now everything should work fine... Or did I have overseen something... I am not a Linux Freak or so, but the above solution did it for me...