HD install, 404 error on mirrorsForum: Apt-get Topic: HD install, 404 error on mirrors started by: Eddy Dean Posted by Eddy Dean on Jan. 04 2007,12:44
Hello everyone,I installed DSL today, and so far it's really all great. I have one problem though, and that is that apt-get does not work. I,ve done upgrade to gnu utils and enabled apt, but I keep getting this error, no matter what package I try to install. Greetz, Eddy Posted by Duke_Forever on Jan. 04 2007,14:37
Same here, thanx in advance.
Posted by roberts on Jan. 04 2007,17:21
Update your /etc/apt/sources.list
Posted by SCOEIT on Jan. 04 2007,17:35
Roberts:I'm hunting for this in the forum - for us dummies could you explain how to update the /etc/apt/sources.list? Thanks Posted by SCOEIT on Jan. 04 2007,17:50
Roberts:I figured it out - for the others, open Beaver as superuser and change the line in /etc/spt/sources.list that has the work "oldstable" to just plain "stable" and it works. Posted by Duke_Forever on Jan. 04 2007,17:54
I used this settings:deb < http://http.us.debian.org/debian > stable main contrib non-free deb < http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US > stable/non-US main contrib non-free deb < http://security.debian.org > stable/updates main contrib non-free and its working for me. Cheers! Posted by PacShady on Jan. 05 2007,07:23
I strongly suggest, from personal experience, to try to stick with the oldstable as long as you can, until all the mirrors have gotten rid of it.I just tried the trick of downloading cron from stable. It was the most useless cron I have ever used. OK, probably not cron's fault, but it was incompatible with DSL enough that it wouldn't run jobs. Using my good trusty friend < Google >, I tracked down a couple of working Debian mirrors still hosting oldstable. Changed the sources.list file to suit, and voila, working cron! My point is this: oldstable is spelled differently to stable for a reason. Some packages MAY work fine from stable with DSL, there may not be enough different between versions to affect anything. Unfortunately, there are programs in stable that just won't work with DSL, at least not without a lot of messing around with settings and such. To help out a bit, I'll post a couple such servers here for you to use (as of the time of this post they are working). They're in sources format, so you can just copy and paste these lines directly into sources.list. #deb < http://ftp.br.debian.org/debian/ > oldstable main contrib non-free #deb < http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/debian > oldstable main contrib non-free #deb < http://mirror.linux.org.au/debian > oldstable main contrib non-free #deb < http://mirrors.usc.edu/pub/linux/distributions/debian > oldstable main contrib non-free Just remove the # from the beginning of one of those (and add a # to the beginning of any other sources for oldstable/stable), and run apt-get update. Hopefully, one of those servers will still be up for you. What I want to know is, why is Debian appearing to be removing this version (woody) from their servers, when they've left up even older versions??? Unless they're just in the process of transferring woody to their archive servers with the other older versions. One can only hope, because apt in DSL depends on these servers! 'Shady Posted by meltdown_override on Jan. 06 2007,04:29
Im having the same problem. I just toasted my DSl partition(playing where around where I should'nt have been in root).Usually when this happens, all I have to do is re-install DSL again and go throught the upgrade GNU,enable apt, and hit synaptic in the tool meny. Not so this time. I got the 404s and such,so I tried that suggestion about modifiing source.list and it worked(sort-of) Usually the first thing I re-install is sndconfig,only its not there anymore. There is alot of things missing. Does anyone know if the server was recently toasted? if so is there another mirror we could try?
Posted by meltdown_override on Jan. 06 2007,04:31
I think its time I go to bed, I did not see the second page till after my post.
Posted by PacShady on Jan. 06 2007,04:32
Did you read my post above? ![]() 'Shady Posted by meltdown_override on Jan. 06 2007,05:07
only after I made my post, i thought it would be cool to try and triple boot two different linux's and freebsd. its now 32 hours later and Im seeing double. Now that I have fully toasted my hard drive, At least I got dsl running and synaptic downloading packages like it should. its time for bed!oh btw what happened to the original oldstable mirror for the U.S. I never could find sndconfig under it after getting synaaptic to work.(the mirrors posted aboved saved my soundcard) thanks. Posted by PacShady on Jan. 06 2007,05:19
Glad I could help ![]() It seems the US mirrors (and most other mirrors by the looks of it) appear to have taken down Woody (Debian 3.0, the version of Debian DSL takes it's deb packages from), perhaps to move it to their archive mirrors. If you followed the advice of those on the front page, and simply changed the sources.list to draw from stable instead of oldstable, you were actually downloading deb packages for Sarge (Debian 3.1). Sarge packages are likely to be different from packages for Woody, and so some packages might be missing (like your sndconfig) or incompatible (like my cron). The mirrors I posted above are still hosting Woody, so their packages work with DSL better than the stable packages from the US servers. 'Shady Posted by meltdown_override on Jan. 06 2007,05:24
is there a way I could make sndconfig into a local .dslpackage so I don't worry about finding it again? or better yet I could just backup the sndconfig command(as soon as I figure out how) to my music drive. anythoughts and command backups?I would just backup the entire dsl partition,but I lack a cd-burner. Posted by roberts on Jan. 10 2007,19:26
Thanks goes to PacShady for providing the active mirrors for oldstable.I have updated the dsl-dpkg.dsl, dsl-dpkg.unc to reflect this. I have also created a synaptic.unc As I stated in the 3.2RC3 announcement, the menu items for: Enable Apt and Synaptic have been removed. Those menu items really only downloaded the above programs, except their download locations were hardcoded into the core system. By keeping them separate as extensions will allow much easier and timely updates to active mirror locations. You can find dsl-dpkg.dsl in the System section of the repository. Both dsl-dpkg.unc and synaptic.unc are in the unc section. Both dsl-dpkg.dsl and dsl-dpkg.unc require you to run the update option to apt-get. sudo apt-get update Do this before any attempt of apt-get install or using synaptic. Posted by Zucca on Feb. 13 2007,19:30
I've noticed that pacages from sarge are working more likely if you have installed gnu-utils.dsl. Also installing more libs from 'System' category might help in some cases. gcc etc...
Posted by W6LQR on June 27 2008,12:51
I changed that line in /etc/apt/sources.list but still get the 404 error message.Am using DSL v 3.0 from the book by the way. Thanks, Jerry Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on June 27 2008,17:32
The mirror is now at archive.debian.org iircBtw, this thread is quite old. It might be better to look for newer ones. Posted by chaostic on June 27 2008,21:40
Sources.list from 3.4.11:
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