Synaptic AlternativesForum: Apt-get Topic: Synaptic Alternatives started by: pitabu Posted by pitabu on May 06 2004,19:50
I've been unable to install synaptic (yes, I've read the other posts) and was wondering if there were other gui front ends available. Is there?Thanks!!!! Posted by l0st on May 09 2004,07:39
I remember there were other GUI frontends, but now Google seems to be swamped with synaptic results.You'll have to settle with an ncurses one then. EDIT: Found it: < > EDIT: Fished outta freshmeat: < > And Ho! A GTK GUI frontend at last < > Posted by michaldck on May 28 2004,20:45
Hmmm... dselect![]() Posted by Dan on May 28 2004,21:15
I have always just liked using apt-*, sometimes GUIs just get in the way.aptitude is a nice light curses-based apt frontend. |