development toolsForum: Apt-get Topic: development tools started by: jamat13 Posted by jamat13 on Mar. 31 2006,13:28
HiI've done a HD install and enabled the apt-get tools I want to build my application using c/c++ apt-get has resulted in total meltdown. I tried to apt-get gcc g++ make Everything is perfect, DSL, size, HD install etc except I can't build my app because the tools can't be run. How/Howto. Easy to tear up everything and start again. This area seems to be very ifffy. EG can't install make as it need fileutils that conflicts with coreutils. can't install g++ as it needs libc6-bla that conflicts with libc6-bla-DSL etc. I need to build an app (anywhere) that will run on DSL. Please point me in the right direction James Posted by humpty on April 03 2006,00:37
y'see this is the trouble with HD installs.try frugal with gcc and gnu-utils. Posted by roberts on April 04 2006,08:55
Very easy with frugal, just grab gcc1.dsl and gnu-utils.dsl from the system section of the mdDSL repository and away you go. All my development for dsl is never with a traditional hard drive install. I guess you can say "I eat my own dog food!" Frugal the only way to go.
Posted by humpty on April 04 2006,16:09
they used to eat dog food during the war (so i'm told) ![]() |