debian packagesForum: Apt-get Topic: debian packages started by: dvdljns Posted by dvdljns on Mar. 03 2006,20:27
Ok! lets see if I understand this right? dsl was built from knoppix, knoppix was built from debian. The makers modified the deb pkgs to run on knoppix, then the makers of dsl changed the knoppix programs to run on dsl. is that right so for. but dsl will still run debian pkgs I hope? I still have a lot of room on my harddrive and I ordered a 40 gig hardrive to replace this one. Can I point it to knoppix or the debian ftp site and get to upgrade programs from there. or download and install new ones. If that is correct so for. Does anyone know the correct address of the packages for my kernal/gcc version 2.4.26/2.95.4.It is going to take awhile for me to learn how to make uci extensions and about a month untill I can buy the dsl 2.1 book so untill then I need to learn as much as I can from here. Posted by jls legalize on Mar. 04 2006,11:10
load dsl-dpkg.dsl and then u can apt-get.After u downloaded and tested the packages u can make a .dsl launching the script deb2dsl that is in the gnu-utils.dsl. Just type deb2dsl and your debs that are in /home/dsl and in /var/cache/apt/archives will be putted in the new .dsl Posted by dvdljns on Mar. 05 2006,05:40
Posted by Sp33dstar on Mar. 09 2006,18:59
heyany DSL application works fine! but i have problem with any application from apt-get under apt-get install <name>, i always have the same errors. something like, the script is unable to update/remove e2fsprogs and telling me something about what to do. i need to do APT::Force-LoopBreak how can i do it or maybe is there any better way to fix it? i would like to install APT apps Posted by dvdljns on Mar. 10 2006,00:24
sp33dster got further than I did. I never got the url to send apt to. all the urls in apt ended in dsl which is fine for te dsl pkgs but when I went looking for deb pkgs on there site all I found were the iso's. maybe I just do not know enough about it or I am missing something but dont I need the seperate pkgs or something. or can I just use the iso's.
Posted by Sp33dstar on Mar. 10 2006,13:53
yeah, collection of myDSL packages is nice and always works fine.but it is not enough to make this system much useful. there is a lot of applications i would like to run under DSL, which are not on myDSL list. i hope, someone will tell me, what i must to do if i want to install apt-get packages? i believe that i need to do some changes in DSL system, but where? what mean that i have to enable APT::Force-LoopBreak and how to do it? and what with this e2fsprogs? if anyone know just any docs or manual about it, or there is an archive topic, please, post the link. i like to read about linux, but DSL probably need more changes to be more compatible with APT packages, then other Debian distributions. Posted by dvdljns on Mar. 10 2006,18:03
try this page. or here. < >Did you manage to download any progs from debian using apt-get? If so how. Posted by brianw on Mar. 10 2006,19:58
What I do is enable synaptic and use that to do apt installs. Many of the packages available can be installed but there are also many that can not be installed because of dependancy problems. Some things can be downloaded as source and installed if you install the gcc dsl (this is limited though as DSL is not a development version and only has limited capabilities as far as building from source). I make sure I have my apt and dsl downloads on a seperate partition because I know if I play enough I am going to end up reinstalling (and also when I upgrade versions).
Posted by dvdljns on Mar. 10 2006,21:17
Ok! apt and synaptic is enabled but here's what I do not understand. when apt goes out and searches for a pkgs does it only search the the url's listed in it or will it search the web. here's my problam. when I search the mirrors for debian pkgs what I find is the iso's for that version deb. does apt pull the pkgs out of that iso or do I need to find the pkgs seperate. you have to remember I come from windows and if you point it to an archive of iso's. Once I get both apt and synaptic what do I do. Do I point it at the Iso's. If so what exactly do type in to get it to search for exact pkgs. Sorry if this sounds dense but I am a real beginner. When I post to forums I get basically the same answer but it assumes I know more than I do.
Posted by brianw on Mar. 11 2006,01:27
here are two docs on apt:< > < > I had similar questions that I have been meaning to ask and these documents (basically the same) seem like they will answer them. Posted by Sp33dstar on Mar. 11 2006,06:22
thnx for that docs, i will read them =)but anyway, i know how use apt in standard way, and that way works normally on other debian distributions. so, i need more to know, what is with that DSL. but ok, i will read these docs from the begin to end, thnx again. i hope there are all answers for DSL egzotic distribution too. Posted by brianw on Mar. 12 2006,02:30
Actually I was referring to dvdljns question about installing other apt packages. Section 2 refers to configuring apt and where to look for packages. It does not have anything to do specifically with DSL. DSL has had some mods to make it lighter and faster so some standard debian aps won't work. Even with a standard debian install you can't install everything that is available because of dependency conflicts.
Posted by dvdljns on Mar. 12 2006,04:05
That's right and because of dependency I cannot uninstall everything I don't want. You have to have some knowledge of linux to work it out. If I can get a install of dsl to do what I need it to do. I can learn to build modules then eventaully maybe I can have a dsl base install and the modules to add and make custom install of just the systems I need. And along the way I learn to use linux. I think you are right those links had the info I need. Thanks.
Posted by lovdsl on Mar. 12 2006,05:38
jls legalize Posted: Mar. 04 2006,06:10 load dsl-dpkg.dsl and then u can apt-get. After u downloaded and tested the packages u can make a .dsl launching the script deb2dsl that is in the gnu-utils.dsl. Just type deb2dsl and your debs that are in /home/dsl and in /var/cache/apt/archives will be putted in the new .dsl Is it really so simple? if I download gnu utilities and xmms-alarm.bed ( which has no dependancies)and type will create xmms-alarm.dsl which I can install via mydsl and add an alarm plugin to xmms? is /var/cache/apt/archives where apt-get stores required dependent lib or files for requested downloads? thus adding to .dsl via deb2dsl for the download? this would allow creation of .dsls from .deb and then install and backup.dsl please say yes..that would be amazing Posted by spock on Mar. 12 2006,19:07
Hi there,I just created a scid.dsl (Shane's Chess Information Database) extension for my Frugal install it took me less than 10 minutes : First load dsl-dpkg.dsl (this contains the script deb2dsl) sudo su apt-get update (you can also change /etc/apt/sources.list before that : < Enabling Apt >) apt-get install scid exit (root) and as user dsl scid (to test the app) whereis scid (you will need this later) /usr/bin/deb2dsl (you will have to answer a few questions) : - scid.dsl (the name of the app) - scid (name of menu entry) - enter the path to the executable (given in whereis scid) That's it. I had a scid.dsl extension in /home/dsl /var/cache/apt/archives is where .deb packages installed with apt are stored. Have fun ![]() |