Boot From RAMDisk

Forum: Laptops
Topic: Boot From RAMDisk
started by: The Balance Of Judgement

Posted by The Balance Of Judgement on Feb. 20 2004,17:10
I own a MetroBook II laptop that has 130MB of RAM. It would be really nice to copy all the files from the DSL CD to a small ramdisk and boot from that so that I am free to eject the CD and use other CD's while DSL is running. I'm not sure if this can be achived manually or not, but I'm not much of a Linux Guru to acomplish that just yet.

In my case, my laptop has no hard disk, but booting from CD is possible and all the devices are recognized, so I can have a complete system running with no side effects if I can load it from RAM, and simply insert more CD's like Audio CD's or applications and have a complete system that will be fast..because the OS resides in RAM.

Any ideas on this?

Posted by pdone on Feb. 20 2004,21:26

Youi can already do this. Boot from the CD and when the boot prompt appears press F2 to see list of boot options. Enter 'knoppix toram' and during startup the image will be copied to RAM allowing you to listen to CDs, etc.



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