Fullscreen on LXDoom?

Forum: Multimedia
Topic: Fullscreen on LXDoom?
started by: DSLChuck

Posted by DSLChuck on Aug. 04 2004,10:30
I was wondering if there was anyway to make LXDoom do fullscreen, or at least a bigger window...kinda hurts the eyes after a bit. I Guess i could turn my resolutions down..lol, but if there is a way, it would help..thanks

 -DSL user Chuck-

Posted by DSLChuck on Aug. 04 2004,11:42
Well i have solved my problem, i didn't realize i could edit the boom.cfg file in /home/dsl/.lxdoom folder to make the resolution of the window bigger, although unfortunatly it made it a bit choppier.

I guess that solves that

-DSL user Chuck-

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