Audio CDs - can't recognizeForum: Multimedia Topic: Audio CDs - can't recognize started by: oswego Posted by oswego on May 12 2004,03:18
DSL 0.63HD installation 128 MB RAM AMD K6-400MHz cpu Commercial audio CDs are not recognized at all. Not as file systems or audio disks. I have read that one would have to boot using TORAM using a CD boot, but I have a HD system. Ideas? Posted by Grim on May 12 2004,04:34
How are you trying to play the CDs?
Posted by SaidinUnleashed on May 13 2004,03:41
hmm, i am having this same problem. xmms won't play audio CDs. i don't think it's a hardware problem, cause i have 5 comps (at last count) running DSL 0.6.3, and none of them will play CDs.
Posted by Rapidweather on May 21 2004,02:10
I play audio CD's by booting knoppix toram, then Menu->Apps->Sound/MPEG/VoIP->XMMS->Xmms Play CD.Then, open /cdrom2, and there is your list from the audio cd. (/cdrom is the KNOPPIX folder where DSL is) Add them all to your XMMS playlist, and click on one to begin playing. --- To use, take a look at my Getting Started Guide, from my remaster of DSL: --- < > --- I have XMMS set up to automatically start when a station is clicked in, using Mozilla Firefox. Do not have to use the knoppix toram to do that, only with Xmms Play CD. However, if you did boot "toram", then you can do both. --- ![]() Posted by Rapidweather on May 21 2004,02:17
I forgot to ask if anyone has gotten the "Visualization Plugins" to work when usingXmms Play CD. I have added "Bump Scope" to my remaster, and I notice that none of the scopes work in Play CD, only when using XMMS with Firefox to listen to internet radio stations such as on Then, one can start several of them if you have enough cpu power. ![]() Posted by d4cnobby on May 22 2004,04:22
Howdy All,I too am a bit perplexed about what the deal is with the XMMS - I am having problems with it across two different boxes :-( One has a burner on hdb and also a reader on hdd. The audio cable is plugged from the SB AWE64 soundcard to hdb. This box will play the same pressed CD in hdb but not hdd ? arrgh ! btw: this box is running 6.3 HD installed. This box will play MP3's from a CD in either drive if (obviously) mounted or from hard disks hda or hdc. The other box has a dvd reader on hdb. The audio cable is plugged into it from the SB16 soundcard. This box will play MP3's from a CD in this drive if mounted. It will *not* play audio CD's (even factory pressed variety) from this drive *unless* logged in as the root user. MP3's from the hard disk hda are just fine. This box is now running 6.2 HD installed and it was the same deal if 6.3 was installed - but not 6.0 ... (as far as I remember). Configuring XMMS for audio or digital audio extraction in the config section for the "CD Audio Player" plugin within "Preferences" makes no difference either ... :-( Also BTW, I have since 0.5.2 been thwarted (either box) from playing VCD .dat MPEG encoded movies from a CD but is all just fine if the same file is dumped the to hard disk and renamed as .mpg instead of .dat also arrgh ! :-( A fix for both issues or an investigation into same is desired by this otherwise *very* happy DSL user - Pretty please ? :-) Posted by oswego on May 22 2004,18:08
Okay - have since moved on to DSL 0.7. What I am finding now, is that commercial audio CD's are recognized when I am logged in as root. I can choose XMMS/Play audio CD, and when I Add songs, they appear when I browse to /cdrom. However, when logged in as a regular user, no songs are listed when I am adding songs, and browse to /cdrom. I did "chmod u+r /cdrom" as root, but although the perms changed, regular user still cannot "see" CD contents. Posted by Rapidweather on May 22 2004,22:40
I note that the meun in 0.6.2, on which I based my remaster, has:[exec] (Xmms Play CD) {xmms /dev/cdrom} I find my music cd is on /cdrom2, however, and so have to open that to load the playlist into XMMS. I do knoppix restore toram at the boot prompt, so have no problem playing the music cd's in the one cdrom drive that I have, after I eject the DSL cd. (It's in ram now, and the system has it at /dev/cdrom, apparently) Other than that, I have no problems, and am thinking about changing the menu in my remaster, and see how that goes: [exec] (Xmms Play CD) {xmms /dev/cdrom2} That might save me a step, and get on to playing the songs quicker. ---- ![]() Posted by kyutums on June 20 2004,15:56
I have DLS 0.7.1 on my laptop and have done an HD install. As a regular use, I cannot see the files on the music cd (but as root, I can). I've tried Apps>Sound/MPEG/VoIP>XMMS>Xmms Play CD, but to no avail. ![]() Posted by panama on July 02 2004,03:40
I also am in exactly the same boat!Anybody play a CD as a regular USER yet? Is there a way to boot into ROOT permanently?? Thanks for any help! Posted by John Comeau on July 04 2004,04:30
I don't know about "booting" into root but you can always "sudo passwd root", change root's password to whatever you want, then "su root", type in the password, and have a root shell.But that still doesn't let me play audio cd's from /dev/hdb using xmms. Adding the block device to the playlist just plain doesn't work. Guess I ought to try the "toram" option and see if /cdrom2 gets created... but don't understand why it should be necessary... Posted by adraker on July 12 2004,11:44
May be obvious,but .....Has the correct device been set in xmms? When you Ctrl + v for vis.plugins,and go to audio I/O plugins, and select CD Audio Player 1.28? and hit the configure button, you can set the device and directory and check the drive. You will still need to start xmms suid root to access the drive, and you've probably done the above anyway,but it's just a suggestion. javascript:emoticon(' ![]() Posted by panama on July 12 2004,12:17
raker,thanks for the info. I, personally, didn't know it was all at ctrl+v. It's good info for the future! My cdrom device was on the list and drive checks fine running as root. Unfortunately, I still can't put in an audio CD and play it under the normal "user" login. Posted by adraker on July 13 2004,00:43
Apart from opening root terminal,and typing xmms /dev/cdromwhatever, you could install wmcdplay,and put it in your menu using sudo in the command line.It too needs root permissions to access drives.I haven't put wmcdplay in the menu yet,I just open a root terminal and type in the command, it's not that often I play CDs. ![]() Posted by John on July 13 2004,04:08
Try this as root:chmod +rx /dev/cdrom As it stands right now it will work in toram mode and a frugal install, but after the HD install it is a permission problem. I'll note it as a bug and get it fixed for the next release. Meanwhile the chmod command should do the trick. Posted by adraker on July 15 2004,00:51
You've hit the nail on the head,and set us right,of course. Adraker Posted by AwPhuch on Oct. 13 2004,19:39
When I try to listen to a straight audio cd (no MP3)I get:
Does it not support raw cd audio?? and I even did the chmod +rx /dev/cdrom oh 0.8.2 HD install Brian AwPhuch Posted by ke4nt1 on Oct. 13 2004,21:23
Those errors have been seen since before DSL 0.7.x ,if you start XMMS in a shell.. I don't think they effect the operation of XMMS in DSL .. The 1 is for XFree86 and Open GL - the error means - none found.. The is used for reading cd audio thru a digital, rather than an analog connection in the back of the cdrom.. It is there in your Input directory.. The is a .mod, s3m, xm, sound lib. It is also there in your Input directory .. well ALMOST ! But for audio CD's and mp3's and streams, It works well for me.. [EDIT] the error in mikmod calls for the .so.2 version of the file, but the symlink link to a .so version only..?? removing the symlink , and replacing it with the actual file from the KNOPPIX/usr/lib/xmms/Input directory and renaming it to the .so.2 version did remove the error about libmikmod ... Hmm.. I wonder if we need to rename the symlink..?? Good find, AwPhuch... The error in libcdread seems to be internal.. I wonder if we can update the lib? [EDIT] 73 ke4nt |