Toshiba 3010 installForum: HD Install Topic: Toshiba 3010 install started by: Redwolf Posted by Redwolf on Nov. 09 2003,10:45
I am having a problem trying to get DSL to install to my old Toshiba notebook. Currently I am running win98 on the notebook and so want to set DSL up as a dual boot.This laptop cannot be set to boot from cd and since it uses a pcmcia cd drive, no boot disk I have found will load pcmcia driver modules so I can boot from it. I tried for awhile to get pcmcia to work, I read as much as I could from the debian help files as I could find. I even tried using RH pcmcia boot disks. Having all but given up with pcmcia, I unzipped the knoppix image to my c drive in the dir c:\knoppix. Using the boot disk created from the boot image that comes with the distro, knoppix was mounted and off I went. I went to run the install script and pointed the install at /dev/hda2, a 300 MB ext2 partition that I created with PM 7. The install is able to set up the ext2 file system and I think it begins to copy files, however about 2 minutes into the install it stops and the machine eventually grinds to a halt. So my questions are: 1. Anyone know how I can install DSL? 2. Should I try loadlin? 3. Why does the install stop? Any clues would be more than welcome as I really want to install this distro Posted by Delboy on Nov. 09 2003,17:39
Me too, I thought I had cracked the install fom the Dos partition into a dedicated Linux partition but after a smooth start and error free period of data loading, the little 'wheel' stops and it all hangs. Any help much appreciated.
Posted by poedelioe on Nov. 19 2003,12:29
Hi there, maybe i can be of some helpi installed dsl on my 3010ct using an adaptor so plugging it in my workstation and installing dsl, ten put the laptop hd back in the 3010ct, everything works, exept my nic doesnt work. in knoppix it works though grtz Posted by kennet on Dec. 01 2003,22:18
I have the same problem with a Toshiba Satellite 110CS : I boot from the floppy and load DSL from c:\KNOPPIX; When I try to install to hard disk in /dev/hda2, after 2 minutes it stops and the PC hangs. Did you solve the problem? Posted by John on Dec. 02 2003,04:43
Here is a snippet of modified code that you may want to try with the install script:--------------code snipped-------------------- echo "Now the root filesystem is filled with data..." #(cd /KNOPPIX ; cp -a * $TR ; sync) & cd /KNOPPIX tar czvf $TR/dsl.tgz * sync sync cd $TR tar zxvf dsl.tgz sync sync #rotdash $! # two beeps echo -ne "\007" >/dev/tty1 ; usleep 500000 -------------code snipped----------------- Peter Sieg, has been doing some experimenting with the script on old notebooks. He said that the cp -a command would hang on him (memory problem?), but by modifying the script to use two tar commands it fixed the problem. The drawback of this approach is that it temporarily takes an additional 50M of space while installing. Posted by kennet on Dec. 03 2003,20:02
I tried the script with your code, but during the TAR command the notebook hangs ... Damn Damn small Linux!! ![]() Posted by Delboy on Dec. 11 2003,01:00
Thanks for the expert advice John, but exactly how do you edit the install script with your recommended code? Presumeably within a DSL terminal once it has 'live' booted up and before the hard disk install command . For a complete linux newb it is not obvious. I see in the forum plenty of other people have sucessfully completed hd installs on notebooks as old as mine. It must be something to do with the Dos partition copied ISO boot method I have had to adopt.
Posted by AnD on Dec. 14 2003,10:43
What script do you need to change ?
Posted by AnD on Dec. 15 2003,21:05
Ok, here is nobody who want to help so I contacted Peter Sieg and he helped me. ![]() This is what you have to do. what you have to do is boot normally into dsl. open > > a shell terminal. sudo > > su. cp /usr/sbin/dsl* $HOME > > vi dsl* > > change as the code snipped shows... /search for cp > > -a line... Comment the > > both lines out and insert > > the new one.. > > > > save the local dsl-hdinstall copy. > > ./dsl-hdinstall - execute the local copy > > > > then do mkliloboot.. |