DSL 4.2.5 / make / make install / compile
Forum: HD Install
Topic: DSL 4.2.5 / make / make install / compile
started by: nonoo
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,08:55
Hin I`m try to compile a driver for my WLan Dongle.
What must I install to use the
make install.
I don`t find the Utility "make".
How can I get the Utility "make"?
Thank you for your help.
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,09:29
Can I use the follow Extension in DSL 4.2.5?
Quote | 2006/05/10 4 clacker gcc g++ make for DSL 2.2+ 3.3.4 19M gcc1.dsl info md5sum 2006/05/15 4 clacker gcc g++ make for DSL 2.2+ 3.3.4 20M gcc1-with-libs.dsl info md5sum |
What ist is the Diffrent of the 2 Package?
Quote | itle: gcc1-with-libs.dsl Description: gcc g++ make for DSL 2.2+ Version: 3.3.4 Author: multiple - see packages.debian.org Original-site: http://packages.debian.org Copying-policy: GPL for: gcc,g++,make,patch,libreadline4-dev,libncurses5-dev Check packages.debian.org for copyright info on others -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 19M ]==----- Extension by: clacker Comments: gcc, g++, make, and patch are the core utilities you need to compile applications from sources for dsl. Also included are a variety of header files to allow the use of libraries that already exist in dsl in those new programs. This latest version of the gcc1.dsl extension can compile (with gnu-utils.dsl loaded as well) the kernel from sources without requiring additional libraries. Some of the library headers include: libncurses5 libreadline4 com_err libjpeg62 libpng libungif libtiff libpcap libuuid zlib1g libsqlite X development libraries Xaw GTK1.2 development libs Change-log: 2006/04/11 - First version 05/10/2006 added patch & development libraries Current: 2006/05/15 renamed from gcc1 and added libungif, libtiff, and lib freetype
Quote | Title: gcc1.dsl Description: gcc g++ make for DSL 2.2+ Version: 3.3.4 Author: multiple - see packages.debian.org Original-site: http://packages.debian.org Copying-policy: GPL for: gcc g++ make patch libreadline4-dev libncurses5-dev Check packages.debian.org for copyright info on others -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 19M ]==----- Extension by: clacker Comments: gcc g++ make and patch are the core utilities you need to compile applications from sources for dsl. Also included are a variety of header files to allow the use of libraries that already exist in dsl in those new programs. This latest version of the gcc1.dsl extension can compile (with gnu-utils.dsl loaded as well) the kernel from sources without requiring additional libraries. Some of the library headers include: libncurses5 libreadline4 com_err libjpeg62 libpng libpcap libuuid zlib1g libsqlite X development libraries Xaw GTK1.2 development libs Change-log: 2006/04/11 - First version 2006/05/10 added patch & development libraries Current: 2006/05/10
Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 06 2008,15:20
Quote | Can I use the follow Extension in DSL 4.2.5? |
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,16:15
Hello Lucky, thank you for your help.
I have try to compile my wlan driver, with gcc1-with-libs.dsl and gcc1.dsl, make beginning run to work, but than I become Error.
How can ich copy the Error from the XShell--->Root Shell to Forum? The Copy and Paste Funktion don't work with my mouse.
best regards nonoo
Edit: I use the Kernel Source from Testing.
Quote | n Mydsl Extension, in Testing, there is a kernelsource-2.4.31.dsl This is the info file: --------------------------- Title: kernelsource-2.4.31.dsl Description: Kernelsource for DSL 4.x Version: 1 Author: Peter Misch - < http://www.skripta.de/ > Original-site: ftp://ftp.oss.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/current/kernel/ Copying-policy: Whatever license my program uses (GPL, BSD, MIT, etc) -------------------==[ color=red Filesize=2,1 MB ]==------------------------------ Extension by: pmisch - Peter Misch Comments: This kernelsource is needed if you want to compile kernelmodules for DSL 4.x - like wlan cards .... It is heavily stripped down to minimize memory usage. Change-log: Current: 2007/12/08 - First Version |
My DSL Release ist DSL 4.2.5
Posted by curaga on Feb. 06 2008,16:39
Are you sure copy&paste doesn't work?
With a two-button mouse you paste by clicking both buttons (after selecting 2-button mouse in xsetup)
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,16:42
I'm study the MyDSL and found in
< http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....testing >
< http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....sl.info >
Quote | Title: gcc-2.95.dsl Description: gcc-2.95 corresponding to kernel 2.4.26 Version: 2.95.4 Author: Various - see < http://www.gnu.org/ > Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 1.72M ]==----- Extension by: juanito Comments: gcc-2.95 is required to recompile the Linux version 2.4.26 kernel sources. gcc1-with-libs and gnu-utils are also required Change-log: Second version - superfluous directory headers removed Current: 2006/12/15
gcc-2.95.dsl is for Kernel 2.4.26, but I'need the Vesion for Kernel 2.4.31. How can I get gcc for the Kernel 2.4.31?
Or which DSL Version use the Kernel 2.4.26?
Quote | Changes for 4.0 * Upgraded kernel from 2.4.26 to 2.4.31. * Created new support modules: cloop, unionfs, ndiswrapper, fuse, and madwifi in support of kernel change. |
----> last Release with Kernel 2.4.26
Quote | Changes for 3.4.7 * Udated pciutils to 2.2.9 * Fixed cpanel startup bug when legacy booted.
----> last Rease with Kernel 2.4.26 is DSL 3.4.9
But where can I get gcc for the Kernel 2.4.31 from DSL 4.2.5?
Posted by curaga on Feb. 06 2008,17:43
Check the gcc of 2.4.31 from /proc/version. It's either 3.3.4 or 2.95
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,18:12
DSL 4.2.5 compiled with ---> gcc version 2.95.4
I`m try to compile with gcc version 2.95.4
< http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub....testing >
Quote | Title: gcc-2.95.dsl Description: gcc-2.95 corresponding to kernel 2.4.26 Version: 2.95.4 Author: Various - see < http://www.gnu.org/ > Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 1.72M ]==----- Extension by: juanito Comments: gcc-2.95 is required to recompile the Linux version 2.4.26 kernel sources. gcc1-with-libs and gnu-utils are also required Change-log: Second version - superfluous directory headers removed Current: 2006/12/15
The Info from gcc-2.95.dsl:
Quote | Title: gcc-2.95.dsl Description: gcc-2.95 corresponding to kernel 2.4.26 Version: 2.95.4 Author: Various - see < http://www.gnu.org/ > Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 1.72M ]==----- Extension by: juanito Comments: gcc-2.95 is required to recompile the Linux version 2.4.26 kernel sources. gcc1-with-libs and gnu-utils are also required Change-log: Second version - superfluous directory headers removed Current: 2006/12/15 |
gcc-2.95 corresponding to kernel 2.4.26,
corresponding gcc-2.95 with kernel 2.4.31 to?
Posted by ^thehatsrule^ on Feb. 06 2008,19:15
It should be fine to use under DSL 4.x as well.
You could also just do `apt-get install gcc-2.95` which would install make, etc. as well.
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,21:36
please delete
Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 06 2008,21:41
Quote | Isn't "make" in MyDSL? |
It's in both packages you keep posting about:
Comments: gcc, g++, make, and patch...
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,21:49
Hello Luck, very difficult for me.
I have with MyDsl find and installed:
gcc-2.95.dsl (MyDsl Testing)
kernelsource-2.4.31.dsl (MyDsl Testing)
Where can I find:
g++ make and patch ??
make don't word with gcc-2.95.dsl and kernelsource-2.4.31.dsl
Do you have a tip?
Quote | Title: gcc1.dsl Description: gcc g++ make for DSL 2.2+ Version: 3.3.4 Author: multiple - see packages.debian.org Original-site: http://packages.debian.org Copying-policy: GPL for: gcc g++ make patch libreadline4-dev libncurses5-dev Check packages.debian.org for copyright info on others -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 19M ]==----- Extension by: clacker Comments: gcc g++ make and patch are the core utilities you need to compile applications from sources for dsl. Also included are a variety of header files to allow the use of libraries that already exist in dsl in those new programs. This latest version of the gcc1.dsl extension can compile (with gnu-utils.dsl loaded as well) the kernel from sources without requiring additional libraries. Some of the library headers include: libncurses5 libreadline4 com_err libjpeg62 libpng libpcap libuuid zlib1g libsqlite X development libraries Xaw GTK1.2 development libs Change-log: 2006/04/11 - First version 2006/05/10 added patch & development libraries Current: 2006/05/10
Do you mean with package? But it is for DSL 2.2+.
When I, as root call "make" ----> bash: make: command not found
Quote | Title: gcc-2.95.dsl Description: gcc-2.95 corresponding to kernel 2.4.26 Version: 2.95.4 Author: Various - see < http://www.gnu.org/ > Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 1.72M ]==----- Extension by: juanito Comments: gcc-2.95 is required to recompile the Linux version 2.4.26 kernel sources. gcc1-with-libs and gnu-utils are also required Change-log: Second version - superfluous directory headers removed Current: 2006/12/15 |
In don't have install from extension "System":
gcc1-with-libs gnu-utils
That's my mistake.
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,22:59
Hello, now I have make with Error:
*** No rule to make target `modules'
How can I solved with Problem?
Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 06 2008,23:17
Quote | Do you mean with package? But it is for DSL 2.2+. |
4.2.5 > 2.2
Quote | *** No rule to make target `modules' |
Do you have a Makefile?
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 06 2008,23:43
< http://nopaste.info/df8c6f03ac.html >
Hello Lucky, that is my Makeflile.
I have try to compile my Packet with DSL 3.4.11 HD-Install, but I become the same Error.
Code Sample | *** No rule to make target `modules' |

Comments: The AVM USB Stick work`s with Debian Etch fine.
Posted by lucky13 on Feb. 07 2008,02:24
Quote | Comments: The AVM USB Stick work`s with Debian Etch fine. |
Debian Etch has a new 2.6 kernel. DSL doesn't (yet). This will soon change.
I'll look at this again tomorrow when my mind is fresh. In the meantime, did you - install gnu-utils? - source/headers? - check to make sure your paths are all set correctly? - check dependencies for your module (especially gcc versions and kernel compatibility)?
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,08:10
Hallo Lucky, my answer to your quetions:
[CODE]'ll look at this again tomorrow when my mind is fresh. In the meantime, did you 1- install gnu-utils? 2- source/headers? 3- check to make sure your paths are all set correctly? 3- check dependencies for your module (especially gcc versions and kernel compatibility)?[QUOTE]
1. I have installed gnu-utils with MyDsl.
2. The source installed with MyDsl from MyDSL-Testing.
3. I don't now what you mean, it is a HD-Installation on extended Patrition.
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,08:12
Hallo Lucky, my answer to your quetions:
[CODE]'ll look at this again tomorrow when my mind is fresh. In the meantime, did you 1- install gnu-utils? 2- source/headers? 3- check to make sure your paths are all set correctly? 4- check dependencies for your module (especially gcc versions and kernel compatibility)?
1. I have installed gnu-utils with MyDsl.
2. The source installed with MyDsl from MyDSL-Testing.
Quote | --------------------------- Title: kernelsource-2.4.31.dsl Description: Kernelsource for DSL 4.x Version: 1 Author: Peter Misch - < http://www.skripta.de/ > Original-site: ftp://ftp.oss.cc.gatech.edu/pub/linux/distributions/damnsmall/current/kernel/ Copying-policy: Whatever license my program uses (GPL, BSD, MIT, etc) -------------------==[ color=red Filesize=2,1 MB ]==------------------------------ Extension by: pmisch - Peter Misch Comments: This kernelsource is needed if you want to compile kernelmodules for DSL 4.x - like wlan cards .... It is heavily stripped down to minimize memory usage. Change-log: Current: 2007/12/08 - First Version --------------------------------
3. I don't now what you mean, it is a HD-Installation in a extended Partition. Grub is installed in with Partition. DSL 4.2.5 starting with Chainloading.
4. cat /proc/version give the Info, gcc-2.95.dsl is used I`m installed than with MyDsl Testing
Quote | Title: gcc-2.95.dsl Description: gcc-2.95 corresponding to kernel 2.4.26 Version: 2.95.4 Author: Various - see < http://www.gnu.org/ > Original-site: http://www.gnu.org/software Copying-policy: GPL -----==[ Color = red Filesize: 1.72M ]==----- Extension by: juanito Comments: gcc-2.95 is required to recompile the Linux version 2.4.26 kernel sources. gcc1-with-libs and gnu-utils are also required Change-log: Second version - superfluous directory headers removed Current: 2006/12/15
I have try to DSL 3.4.11 with the package from MyDSL System, but the same error ---> *** No rule to make target `modules'
The Readme from AVM for binary:
< http://nopaste.info/a99a1b07ca.html >
Nopaste, Line 195:
Quote | 3 Installation Instructions for Integration in Other Linux Distributions Thanks to the open concept of Linux, all current distribution can be used with the software. The binary-only modules contained in the drivers are kernel-independent. They do not execute any direct kernel calls. This means that they can be integrated into any Linux kernel. However, the manual installation must be adjusted individually for each distribution (kernel configuration, etc.) and according to the components installed (e.g. any additional PCMCIA modules required). All driver components required to integrate the software, including source code and these instructions are supplied in the "fritz" driver directory. One of the possible methods for translating the sources for other distributions and kernel versions is described here: After unzipping the driver archive enter the "make" command in the new "/fritz/src" directory. This command executes the "makefile" located there. The .ko file this produces must then be copied to the /lib/modules/`uname -r `/extra folder. For the operating Linux kernel this takes place automatically when the "make install" command is executed. Two components are bound together during the translation: the source code for system integration included in the package a binary, kernel-independent module in the "/fritz/lib" directory. Please note that the kernel must be configured using the wireless extensions (version 18 or higher) (CONFIG_NET_WIRELESS=y). For additional helpful instructions and links, see the FAQs under the "Service" area on the AVM web site at www.avm.de/en. Back to top |
Please Note from AVM:
Please note that the kernel must be configured using the wireless extensions (version 18 or higher) (CONFIG_NET_WIRELESS=y).
Wich wireless extensions used DSL 4.2.5 oder DSL 3.4.11?
Thank you, for your help.
Posted by Juanito on Feb. 07 2008,09:45
I believe dsl 3.x and 4.x use version 16 of wireless extensions.
This being said, I've seen that ndiswrapper complains about dsl using version 16 and version 18 being required, but then it works anyway...
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,10:05
Hello, MyDSL
< >
Posted by Juanito on Feb. 07 2008,10:31
Quote | The .ko file this produces must then be copied to the /lib/modules/`uname -r `/extra folder. |
BTW - this (.ko) implies that a 2.6.x kernel is expected rather than a 2.4.x (.o) kernel
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,10:49
Hello @all, Juanito write:
Quote | I believe dsl 3.x and 4.x use version 16 of wireless extensions.
This being said, I've seen that ndiswrapper complains about dsl using version 16 and version 18 being required, but then it works anyway...
Which Version of wirlesse extension use DSL 4.2.5?
Quote | Quote The .ko file this produces must then be copied to the /lib/modules/`uname -r `/extra folder.
BTW - this (.ko) implies that a 2.6.x kernel is expected rather than a 2.4.x (.o) kernel |
What must I do by DSL 4.2.5? I don`t know.
Posted by Juanito on Feb. 07 2008,12:39
Quote | What must I do by DSL 4.2.5? I don`t know. |
- dsl-4.2.5 uses the linux kernel 2.4.31. In this kernel, the kernel modules are named something like module.o
Newer versions of linux use kernels named something like 2.6.19. In these kernels, the kernel modules are named something like module.ko
What I was trying to say was that, from the instructions you pasted, it looks like the make command would work with a 2.6.x kernel and would not work with dsl-4.2.5 which uses a 2.4.31 kernel
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,14:24
Hello, Thank you.
I have understand.
Notice from AVM:
# Installing the AVM FRITZ!WLAN USB Stick in Linux # # NOTE: # # # This driver can only be used with kernel version 2.6 or higher.
Can I use the Kernel form DSL-N in DSL 4.25?
DSL-N use Kernel 2.6.x.
If yes, how can I install the DSN-N Kernel?
Posted by Juanito on Feb. 07 2008,16:23
dsln uses the 2.6.12 kernel - you can use dsln standalone (I use it sometimes) but it is much less developed than dsl-3.x or 4.x
Posted by nonoo on Feb. 07 2008,16:51
Hello, DSL-N is much less developed, and I don't have Interesting on a "much less developed Distribution".
I'm use my Fritz Wlan USB in DSL 4.2.5 with ndiswrapper.
Thank you all for your help.
Point Point Point
AVM Fritz USB Wlan don`t support Linux with a Linux Driver by Kernel 2.4.x.