with nweb httpd
Forum: Programming and Scripting
Topic: with nweb httpd
started by: Zucca
Posted by Zucca on Nov. 29 2006,21:17
All right!
I think everybody can can find out the idea from source:
Code Sample | #!/bin/bash
# v0.1.4b - Creates index.html file containing links to files it finds. # handy with nweb httpd. # Copyright (C) 2006 Zucca (Zucca@IRCnet, ICQ#: 66768853, [][/EMAIL])
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. #
if [ "$1" == "--help" ] then echo -e "USAGE: <dir> <column count> [noprompt]" echo -e " --help\n" echo -e " creates a file named index.html to <dir>." echo -e "index.html will contain all visible files (except index.html, nweb.log and directories) with links to them" echo -e "<column count> determines maxium of \$FILEs on a single line." echo -e "\nUseful with nweb httpd." echo -e "\n v0.1.4b (C) (GPL) Zucca@IRCnet, ICQ#:66768853\n" exit 0 fi
if [ -z $2 ] then echo -e "USAGE: <dir> <column count> [noprompt]" echo -e " --help\n" exit 1 fi
if [ -f "$1/index.html" ] && [ "$3" != "noprompt" ] then echo "You already have previous index.html." rm -i $1/index.html if [ -f "$1/index.html" ] then echo -e "Aborted. Left original index.html untouched." exit 1 fi elif [ -f "$1/index.html" ] && [ "$3" == "noprompt" ] then rm -f $1/index.html fi
let "COLC=1"
echo -ne "<HTML>\n\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Directory index created by</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n\n<BODY>\n<NOBR>" >> $1/index.html
for FILE in `ls $1` do
if [ "$FILE" != "index.html" ] && [ "$FILE" != "nweb.log" ] && [ ! -d "$FILE" ] then
let "COLC=$COLC+1"
if [ "$COLC" -gt "$2" ] then echo "<BR>" >> $1/index.html let "COLC=1" elif [ "$COLC" -gt "2" ] then echo -n "| " >> $1/index.html fi echo -ne "<A HREF=\"$FILE\">$FILE</A>\n" >> $1/index.html fi done
echo -ne "\n<PRE> v0.1.4b created by Zucca@IRCnet, ICQ#:66768853\n Licenced under GNU General Public License.</PRE>\n\n</BODY>\n\n</HTML>" >> $1/index.html
Nice? But needs few things to be even more neat: < nweb httpd > and one line of extra code to run both, the script and the server:Code Sample | killall nweb 2> /dev/null; ./ <dir to share> <max cols> && <path to nweb> <port> <dir to share> |
You can make it more simple by creating a sctipt from it like this (change paths!):Code Sample | #!/bin/bash
killall nweb 2> /dev/null; /home/dsl/ $1 5 && /home/dsl/nweb/nweb 8000 $1 |
See? Only 'directory to share' must be specified. Neat. 
What's the use? Well you can rapidly share your files without much configration. And changing shared directory isn't hard if you use the 'launch script'. < Here's > my server running it.
D0h! Again I forgot that there's a statement such as case. Oh well. Until next update...
Posted by Zucca on Dec. 17 2006,20:41
Code Sample | #!/bin/bash
LICENCE=" # - Creates index.html file containing links to files it finds. # handy with nweb httpd. # Copyright (C) 2006 Zucca (Zucca@IRCnet, ICQ#: 66768853,
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # " # NEW feature: # if you place .index.header or .index.footer files # to the same dir where will create it's # index.html then it will incluce those files in index.html. # Header will be displayed before filelisting and # footer will be displayed arfer.
HTMLSOURCEFOOTER=" As you seemed enough curious to look for html source, here's some details about
Licence: $LICENCE
In a simple way: It's free. Some versions I make are not posted to public. - Why? Because I want to publish only good versions of this program. Anyway you can still contact me if you want your copy of
Currently I publish only at Damn Small Linux board: http:///"/
if [ "$1" == "--help" ] then echo -e "USAGE: <dir> <column count> [noprompt]" echo -e " --help\n" echo -e " creates a file named index.html to <dir>." echo -e "index.html will contain all visible files (except index.html, nweb.log and directories) with links to them" echo -e "<column count> determines maxium of \$FILEs on a single line." echo -e "\nUseful with nweb httpd." echo -e "\n $VERS (C) (GPL) Zucca@IRCnet, ICQ#:66768853\n" exit 0 fi
if [ -z $2 ] then echo -e "USAGE: <dir> <column count> [noprompt]" echo -e " --help\n" exit 1 fi
if [ -f "$1/index.html" ] && [ "$3" != "noprompt" ] then echo "You already have previous index.html." rm -i $1/index.html if [ -f "$1/index.html" ] then echo -e "Aborted. Left original index.html untouched." exit 1 fi elif [ -f "$1/index.html" ] && [ "$3" == "noprompt" ] then rm -f $1/index.html fi
let "COLC=1"
echo -ne "<HTML>\n\n<HEAD>\n<TITLE>Directory index created by</TITLE>\n</HEAD>\n\n<BODY>\n" >> $1/index.html
if [ -f "$1/.index.header" ] then cat $1/.index.header >> $1/index.html fi
echo -ne "\n<NOBR>\n" >> $1/index.html
for FILE in `ls $1` do
if [ "$FILE" != "index.html" ] && [ "$FILE" != "nweb.log" ] && [ ! -d "$FILE" ] then
echo -ne "<A HREF=\"$FILE\">$FILE</A>\n" >> $1/index.html if [ ! "$COLC" -eq "$2" ] then echo -n "| " >> $1/index.html fi
let "COLC=$COLC+1"
if [ "$COLC" -gt "$2" ] then echo "<BR>" >> $1/index.html let "COLC=1" fi fi done
if [ -f "$1/.index.footer" ] then cat $1/.index.footer >> $1/index.html fi
echo -ne " </NOBR><PRE>Index updated: $UDATE $VERS created by Zucca@IRCnet, ICQ#:66768853 Licenced under GNU General Public License.</PRE>
</BODY>" >> $1/index.html
echo -ne "\n\n<!--\n$HTMLSOURCEFOOTER\n\n//-->\n\n</HTML>" >> $1/index.html |